This mod won't have any updates until JSP Gives me what i want. The next update is mostly about replacing placeholder stuff. Please tell JSP To look at the latest update at Gamebanana. I have been trying to get what i want, but he isn't giving me what i want. Please convince JSP to look at the latest update and tell him to give me what i want.
The reason why is there priavte versions is because JSP Inspired me to add Private versions. The Reason why i'm making this mod is so to keep people from getting bored. 2.0 will be the first version to cost money. The reason why is because 1, Mystman12 Inspired me to make 2.0 the first version to cost money. 2, My parents need money. Also, thanks with the message!
Also, there is no Private beta. There isn't always private betas of mods. This mod doesn't have Private betas. Look at the Versions planned before 1.0.
Look at the Update i posted to Baldi's Funner Newer School! Also, Post this update on Gamebanana and change the Gamebanana Page a bit like i did with the Page.
Please give me the flower script. The flower is supposed to make a noise and make Baldi go to where the noise was when the Player steps on the flower. Also, give me a Non-Minecraft Sound that plays when the player steps on the flower.
Please look at the latest update of this mod. then give me what i want please. please do that. Please don't take forever. Please reply when you do what i want you to do.
Look at the Updates i posted to Baldi's Funner Newer School! Also, Post them on Gamebanana and change the Gamebanana Page a bit like i did with the Page.
Look at the Updates i posted to Baldi's Funner Newer School! Also, Post them on Gamebanana and change the Gamebanana Page a bit like i did with the Page.
Look at the Updates i posted to Baldi's Funner Newer School! Also, Post them on Gamebanana and change the Gamebanana Page a bit like i did with the Page.
Look at the Updates i posted to Baldi's Funner Newer School! Also, Post them on Gamebanana and change the Gamebanana Page a bit like i did with the Page.
Look at the Updates i posted to Baldi's Funner Newer School! Also, Post them on Gamebanana and change the Gamebanana Page a bit like i did with the Page.
Look at the Updates i posted to Baldi's Funner Newer School! Also, Post them on Gamebanana and change the Gamebanana Page a bit like i did with the Page.
Look at the Updates i posted to Baldi's Funner Newer School! Also, Post them on Gamebanana and change the Gamebanana Page a bit like i did with the Page.
Please help me with this problem! When i test the BFNS Mod, The items except the original items don't work! Please take a look at the code! Please also give me the code for the new function i'm about to talk about! The problem started when i tried to add a new function to the Dollar, More specifically, you can use it to get 4 Zesty Bars! Here's the code you have to take a look at. Look at the replys to see the code. the reason why there are multiple replys is because the entire code is too much for a single comment.
// Token: 0x06000081 RID: 129 RVA: 0x00004448 File Offset: 0x00002848
private void Start()
this.audioDevice = base.GetComponent<AudioSource>(); //Get the Audio Source
this.mode = PlayerPrefs.GetString("CurrentMode"); //Get the current mode
if (this.mode == "endless") //If it is endless mode
this.baldiScrpt.endless = true; //Set Baldi use his slightly changed endless anger system
this.schoolMusic.Play(); //Play the school music
this.LockMouse(); //Prevent the mouse from moving
this.UpdateNotebookCount(); //Update the notebook count
this.itemSelected = 0; //Set selection to item slot 0(the first item slot)
this.gameOverDelay = 0.5f;
if (!this.learningActive)
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Pause"))
if (!this.gamePaused)
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Y) & this.gamePaused)
else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.N) & this.gamePaused)
if (!this.gamePaused & Time.timeScale != 1f)
Time.timeScale = 1f;
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1))
if (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") > 0f)
else if (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") < 0f)
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha1))
this.itemSelected = 0;
else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha2))
this.itemSelected = 1;
else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha3))
this.itemSelected = 2;
else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha4))
this.itemSelected = 3;
else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha5))
this.itemSelected = 4;
else if (Time.timeScale != 0f)
Time.timeScale = 0f;
if (this.player.stamina < 0f & !this.warning.activeSelf)
this.warning.SetActive(true); //Set the warning text to be visible
else if (this.player.stamina > 0f & this.warning.activeSelf)
this.warning.SetActive(false); //Set the warning text to be invisible
if (this.player.gameOver)
Time.timeScale = 0f; //Pause the game
this.gameOverDelay -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime;
this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_buzz); //Play the jumpscare sound
if (this.gameOverDelay <= 0f)
if (this.mode == "endless") //If it is in endless
if (this.notebooks > PlayerPrefs.GetInt("HighBooks")) //If the player achieved a new score
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("HighBooks", this.notebooks); //Update the high score
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("HighTime", Mathf.FloorToInt(this.time)); //(Unused) Update the time
this.highScoreText.SetActive(true); // "WOW KAZOW! THATS A NEW HIGH SCORE!"
else if (this.notebooks == PlayerPrefs.GetInt("HighBooks") & Mathf.FloorToInt(this.time) > PlayerPrefs.GetInt("HighTime")) //(Unused) If the player has a brand new record for time
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("HighTime", Mathf.FloorToInt(this.time)); //Update the high time
this.highScoreText.SetActive(true); // "WOW KAZOW! THATS A NEW HIGH SCORE!"
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("CurrentBooks", this.notebooks); //Update the high score
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("CurrentTime", Mathf.FloorToInt(this.time)); //(Unused) Update the time
Time.timeScale = 1f; // Unpause the game
SceneManager.LoadScene("GameOver"); // Go to the game over screen
if (this.finaleMode && !this.audioDevice.isPlaying && this.exitsReached == 3) //Play the weird sound after getting some exits
this.audioDevice.clip = this.aud_MachineLoop;
this.audioDevice.loop = true;
// Token: 0x06000089 RID: 137 RVA: 0x0000499C File Offset: 0x00002D9C
public void ActivateSpoopMode()
this.spoopMode = true; //Tells the game its time for spooky
this.entrance_0.Lower(); //Lowers all the exits
this.baldiTutor.SetActive(false); //Turns off Baldi(The one that you see at the start of the game)
this.quarter.SetActive(false); // Baldi takes the Quarter he gives you if you haven't picked it up yet
this.baldi.SetActive(true); //Turns on Baldi
this.principal.SetActive(true); //Turns on Principal
this.principalson.SetActive(true); //Turns on Principal's Son
this.crafters.SetActive(true); //Turns on Crafters
this.playtime.SetActive(true); //Turns on Playtime
this.beans.SetActive(true); // Turns on Beans
this.clocker.SetActive(true); // Turns on Clocker from BFNS+
this.gottaSweep.SetActive(true); //Turns on Gotta Sweep
this.bully.SetActive(true); //Turns on Bully
this.firstPrize.SetActive(true); //Turns on First-Prize
this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_Hang); //Plays the hang sound
this.learnMusic.Stop(); //Stop all the music
// Token: 0x0600008A RID: 138 RVA: 0x00004A63 File Offset: 0x00002E63
private void ActivateFinaleMode()
this.finaleMode = true;
this.entrance_0.Raise(); //Raise all the enterances(make them appear)
// Token: 0x0600008B RID: 139 RVA: 0x00004A98 File Offset: 0x00002E98
public void GetAngry(float value) //Make Baldi get angry
if (!this.spoopMode)
// Token: 0x0600008C RID: 140 RVA: 0x00004AB7 File Offset: 0x00002EB7
public void ActivateLearningGame()
this.learningActive = true;
this.UnlockMouse(); //Unlock the mouse
this.tutorBaldi.Stop(); //Make tutor Baldi stop talking
if (!this.spoopMode) //If the player hasn't gotten a question wrong
this.schoolMusic.Stop(); //Start playing the learn music
// Token: 0x0600008D RID: 141 RVA: 0x00004AF4 File Offset: 0x00002EF4
public void DeactivateLearningGame(GameObject subject)
this.learningActive = false;
this.LockMouse(); //Prevent the mouse from moving
if (this.player.stamina < player.maxStamina) //Reset Stamina
this.player.stamina = this.player.maxStamina * 1f;
if (!this.spoopMode) //If it isn't spoop mode, play the school music
if (this.notebooks == 1 & !this.spoopMode) // If this is the players first notebook and they didn't get any questions wrong, reward them with a quarter
else if (this.notebooks == 9 & this.mode == "Floor 1") // Plays the all 9 notebook sound
this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_AllNotebooks, 0.8f);
// Token: 0x0600008E RID: 142 RVA: 0x00004BCC File Offset: 0x00002FCC
private void IncreaseItemSelection()
if (this.itemSelected > 4)
this.itemSelected = 0;
this.itemSelect.anchoredPosition = new Vector3((float)this.itemSelectOffset[this.itemSelected], -10f, -10f); //Moves the item selector background(the red rectangle)
// Token: 0x0600008F RID: 143 RVA: 0x00004C30 File Offset: 0x00003030
private void DecreaseItemSelection()
if (this.itemSelected < 0)
this.itemSelected = 4;
this.itemSelect.anchoredPosition = new Vector3((float)this.itemSelectOffset[this.itemSelected], -10f, -10f); //Moves the item selector background(the red rectangle)
// Token: 0x06000090 RID: 144 RVA: 0x00004C91 File Offset: 0x00003091
private void UpdateItemSelection()
this.itemSelect.anchoredPosition = new Vector3((float)this.itemSelectOffset[this.itemSelected], -10f, 10f); //Moves the item selector background(the red rectangle)
// Token: 0x06000091 RID: 145 RVA: 0x00004CC8 File Offset: 0x000030C8
public void CollectItem(int item_ID)
if (this.item[0] == 0)
this.item[0] = item_ID; //Set the item slot to the Item_ID provided
this.itemSlot[0].texture = this.itemTextures[item_ID]; //Set the item slot's texture to a texture in a list of textures based on the Item_ID
else if (this.item[1] == 0)
this.item[1] = item_ID; //Set the item slot to the Item_ID provided
this.itemSlot[1].texture = this.itemTextures[item_ID]; //Set the item slot's texture to a texture in a list of textures based on the Item_ID
else if (this.item[2] == 0)
this.item[2] = item_ID; //Set the item slot to the Item_ID provided
this.itemSlot[2].texture = this.itemTextures[item_ID]; //Set the item slot's texture to a texture in a list of textures based on the Item_ID
else if (this.item[3] == 0)
this.item[3] = item_ID; //Set the item slot to the Item_ID provided
this.itemSlot[3].texture = this.itemTextures[item_ID]; //Set the item slot's texture to a texture in a list of textures based on the Item_ID
else if (this.item[4] == 0)
this.item[4] = item_ID; //Set the item slot to the Item_ID provided
this.itemSlot[4].texture = this.itemTextures[item_ID]; //Set the item slot's texture to a texture in a list of textures based on the Item_ID
else //This one overwrites the currently selected slot when your inventory is full
this.item[this.itemSelected] = item_ID;
this.itemSlot[this.itemSelected].texture = this.itemTextures[item_ID];
// Token: 0x06000092 RID: 146 RVA: 0x00004D94 File Offset: 0x00003194
private void UseItem()
if (this.item[this.itemSelected] != 0) //If the item slot isn't empty
if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 1) //Zesty Bar Code
this.player.stamina = this.player.maxStamina * 2f;
this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item
this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_Crunch); // Plays the Crunch Sound
this.baldiScrpt.Hear(base.transform.position, 10f); // Makes Baldi go to the location where the Player was eating the ESFB
if (!this.player.Outside)
this.player.ResetGuilt("eat", 1f); // Makes the player guilty for eating
else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 2) //Yellow Door Lock Code
Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
RaycastHit raycastHit;
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out raycastHit) && (raycastHit.collider.tag == "SwingingDoor" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) <= 10f))
raycastHit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<SwingingDoorScript>().LockDoor(15f); //Lock the door for 15 seconds
this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item
else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 3) //Principal's Keys Code
Ray ray2 = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
RaycastHit raycastHit2;
if (Physics.Raycast(ray2, out raycastHit2) && (raycastHit2.collider.tag == "Door" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit2.transform.position) <= 10f))
raycastHit2.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<DoorScript>().UnlockDoor(); //Unlock the door
raycastHit2.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<DoorScript>().OpenDoor(); //Open the door
this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item
else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 4) //Bsoda Code
UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(this.bsodaSpray, this.playerTransform.position, this.cameraTransform.rotation); //Clone the BSODA Spray object
this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item
this.player.ResetGuilt("drink", 1f); // Makes the player guilty for drinking
this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_Soda); // Play the spray sound
this.baldiScrpt.Hear(base.transform.position, 10f); // Makes Baldi go to the location where the Player was drinking the BSODA
if (!this.player.Outside)
this.player.ResetGuilt("drink", 1f); // Makes the player guilty for drinking
else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 5) //Quarter Code
Ray ray3 = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
RaycastHit raycastHit3;
if (Physics.Raycast(ray3, out raycastHit3))
if ( == "BSODAMachine" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit3.transform.position) <= 10f)
this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item
this.CollectItem(4); //Give BSODA
else if ( == "ZestyMachine" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit3.transform.position) <= 10f)
this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item
this.CollectItem(1); //Give Zesty Bar
else if ( == "PayPhone" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit3.transform.position) <= 10f)
raycastHit3.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<TapePlayerScript>().Play(); //Tell the phone to start making the noise
this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item
else if ( == "RandomMachine" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit3.transform.position) <= 10f)
int num3 = Mathf.RoundToInt(UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 10));
this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item
this.CollectItem(num3); //Give a random item
else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 6) // Baldi Anti-hearing Code
Ray ray4 = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
RaycastHit raycastHit4;
if (Physics.Raycast(ray4, out raycastHit4) && ( == "TapePlayer" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit4.transform.position) <= 10f))
raycastHit4.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<TapePlayerScript>().Play(); //Tell the tape player to start making the noise
else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 7) // Alarm Clock Code
GameObject gameObject = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(this.alarmClock, this.playerTransform.position, this.cameraTransform.rotation); //Create a clone of the Alarm Clock
gameObject.GetComponent<AlarmClockScript>().baldi = this.baldiScrpt; //Set the Alarm Clock's Baldi to the BaldiScript
this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item
else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 8) // WD No Squee Code
Ray ray5 = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
RaycastHit raycastHit5;
if (Physics.Raycast(ray5, out raycastHit5) && (raycastHit5.collider.tag == "Door" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit5.transform.position) <= 10f))
raycastHit5.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<DoorScript>().SilenceDoor(); // Silences the door
this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item
this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_Spray); //Plays the spray sound
else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 9) // Safety Scissors Code
Ray ray6 = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
RaycastHit raycastHit6;
if (this.player.jumpRope)
this.player.ResetGuiltBrokenRulesOutside("bully", 1f);
else if (Physics.Raycast(ray6, out raycastHit6) && == "1st Prize")
else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 10) // Portable Alarm Clock Code
GameObject gameObject = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(this.portTape, this.playerTransform.position, this.cameraTransform.rotation); //Create a clone of the Portable Tape
gameObject.GetComponent<TapeDropScript>().baldi = this.baldiScrpt; //Set the Portable Tape's Baldi to the BaldiScript
this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item
else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 11) // Stab Pencil Code
RaycastHit raycastHit;
if (Physics.Raycast(Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(new Vector3((float)(Screen.width / 2), (float)(Screen.height / 2), 0f)), out raycastHit) && raycastHit.collider.tag == "NPC" && != "Baldi" && Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) <= 10f)
this.player.ResetGuiltBrokenRulesOutside("stabbing", 1f);
else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 12) // Dollar Code
Ray ray3 = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
RaycastHit raycastHit3;
if (Physics.Raycast(ray3, out raycastHit3))
if ( == "BSODAMachine" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit3.transform.position) <= 10f) //If the dollar is inserted in the bsoda machine
this.ResetItem(); //Remove the dollar from that slot
this.item[0] = 4; //Put a bsoda in item slot 1
this.item[1] = 4; //Put a bsoda in item slot 2
this.item[2] = 4; //Put a bsoda in item slot 3
this.item[3] = 4; //Put a bsoda in item slot 4
this.itemSlot[0].texture = this.itemTextures[4]; //Put the bsoda texture in slot 1
this.itemSlot[1].texture = this.itemTextures[4]; //Put the bsoda texture in slot 2
this.itemSlot[2].texture = this.itemTextures[4]; //Put the bsoda texture in slot 3
this.itemSlot[3].texture = this.itemTextures[4]; //Put the bsoda texture in slot 4
this.UpdateItemName(); //Update the item names for the slots
} //Basically, if you put a dollar in the bsoda machine, it gives you 4 bsodas in your first 4 slots
else if ( == "DollarMachine" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit3.transform.position) <= 10f) //If the dollar is inserted in the dollar machine
this.ResetItem(); //Remove the dollar from that slot
this.item[0] = 5; //Put a quarter in item slot 1
this.item[1] = 5; //Put a quarter in item slot 2
this.item[2] = 5; //Put a quarter in item slot 3
this.item[3] = 5; //Put a quarter in item slot 4
this.itemSlot[0].texture = this.itemTextures[5]; //Put the quarter texture in slot 1
this.itemSlot[1].texture = this.itemTextures[5]; //Put the quarter texture in slot 2
this.itemSlot[2].texture = this.itemTextures[5]; //Put the quarter texture in slot 3
this.itemSlot[3].texture = this.itemTextures[5]; //Put the quarter texture in slot 4
this.UpdateItemName(); //Update the item names for the slots
} //Basically, if you put a dollar in the dollar machine, it gives you 4 quarters in your first 4 slots
else if ( == "RareMachine" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit3.transform.position) <= 10f) //If player uses quarter on the rare machine
this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item
this.CollectItem(15); //Give the player a Teleporter Item
this.raremachine.SetActive(false); //Despawn the rare machine
else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 13) // Principal Banner Code
else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 14) // Chewsi Speedy Bar Code
this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_Crunch); // Plays the Crunch Sound
this.baldiScrpt.Hear(base.transform.position, 10f); // Makes Baldi go to the location where the Player was eating the CSB
if (!this.player.Outside)
this.player.ResetGuilt("eat", 1f); // Makes the player guilty for eating
else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 16) // Water Bottle Code
this.player.stamina += 75f;
this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item
this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_DrinkWater); // Plays the Drink Water Sound
this.baldiScrpt.Hear(base.transform.position, 10f); // Makes Baldi go to the location where the Player was drinking water
if (!this.player.Outside)
this.player.ResetGuilt("drink", 1f); // Makes the player guilty for drinking
else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 17) // Ice Cream Code
this.player.stamina += 150f;
this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item
this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_EatIceCream); // Makes the Eat Ice Cream sound
this.baldiScrpt.Hear(base.transform.position, 10f); // Makes Baldi go to the location where the Player was eating the Ice Cream
if (!this.player.Outside)
this.player.ResetGuilt("eat", 1f);
else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 18) // Pancake Code
this.player.maxStamina += 12.5f;
this.player.stamina += 25f;
this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item
this.baldiScrpt.Hear(base.transform.position, 10f); // Makes Baldi go to the location where the Player was eating the Pancake
if (!this.player.Outside)
this.player.ResetGuilt("eat", 1f);
else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 19) //A Piece of Gum Code
UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(this.PlayerGum, this.playerTransform.position, this.cameraTransform.rotation); //Clone the Player's Gum object
this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item
this.player.ResetGuiltBrokenRulesOutside("spitgum", 1f); // Makes the player guilty for spitting gum
this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_SpitGum); // Play the spray sound
this.baldiScrpt.Hear(base.transform.position, 10f); // Makes Baldi go to the location where the Player was Spitting a gum = "Player's Gum";
else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 20) // Principal's Dollar Code
Ray ray3 = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
RaycastHit raycastHit3;
if (Physics.Raycast(ray3, out raycastHit3))
if ( == "BSODAMachine" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit3.transform.position) <= 10f) //If the dollar is inserted in the bsoda machine
this.ResetItem(); //Remove the dollar from that slot
this.item[0] = 4; //Put a bsoda in item slot 1
this.item[1] = 4; //Put a bsoda in item slot 2
this.item[2] = 4; //Put a bsoda in item slot 3
this.item[3] = 4; //Put a bsoda in item slot 4
this.itemSlot[0].texture = this.itemTextures[4]; //Put the bsoda texture in slot 1
this.itemSlot[1].texture = this.itemTextures[4]; //Put the bsoda texture in slot 2
this.itemSlot[2].texture = this.itemTextures[4]; //Put the bsoda texture in slot 3
this.itemSlot[3].texture = this.itemTextures[4]; //Put the bsoda texture in slot 4
this.UpdateItemName(); //Update the item names for the slots
this.player.ResetGuiltBrokenRulesOutside("usepridollar", 1f);
else if ( == "DollarMachine" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit3.transform.position) <= 10f) //If the dollar is inserted in the dollar machine
this.ResetItem(); //Remove the dollar from that slot
this.item[0] = 5; //Put a quarter in item slot 1
this.item[1] = 5; //Put a quarter in item slot 2
this.item[2] = 5; //Put a quarter in item slot 3
this.item[3] = 5; //Put a quarter in item slot 4
this.itemSlot[0].texture = this.itemTextures[5]; //Put the quarter texture in slot 1
this.itemSlot[1].texture = this.itemTextures[5]; //Put the quarter texture in slot 2
this.itemSlot[2].texture = this.itemTextures[5]; //Put the quarter texture in slot 3
this.itemSlot[3].texture = this.itemTextures[5]; //Put the quarter texture in slot 4
this.UpdateItemName(); //Update the item names for the slots
this.player.ResetGuiltBrokenRulesOutside("usepridollar", 1f);
else if ( == "RareMachine" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit3.transform.position) <= 10f) //If player uses quarter on the rare machine
this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item
this.CollectItem(15); //Give the player a Teleporter Item
this.raremachine.SetActive(false); //Despawn the rare machine
this.player.ResetGuiltBrokenRulesOutside("usepridollar", 1f);
public AILocationSelectorScript AILocationSelector; public Collider playerCollider; //The player's collider public AudioClip aud_Teleport; //The sound that plays when you teleport public AudioClip aud_Crunch; //The sound that plays when the player eats something public AudioClip aud_DrinkWater; //The sound that plays when the player drinks water public AudioClip aud_SpitGum; //The sound that plays when the Player Spits Gum public AudioClip aud_EatPancake; //The sound that plays when the Player eats a Pancake
public GameObject bannedicon; public AudioClip banned; public AudioClip hebackpri; public AudioClip aud_EatIceCream;
public GameObject raremachine; //The gameobject for the rare machine public GameObject zeroprize; public GameObject cloudycopter; public GameObject testdithered;
public AudioClip pencilstab;
public AudioClip cloudyPAH;
public RandomCharSpawner rcs;
// Token: 0x040000AB RID: 171 public CursorControllerScript cursorController;
// Token: 0x040000AC RID: 172 public PlayerScript player;
// Token: 0x040000AD RID: 173 public Transform playerTransform;
// Token: 0x040000AE RID: 174 public Transform cameraTransform;
// Token: 0x040000AF RID: 175 public EntranceScript entrance_0;
// Token: 0x040000B0 RID: 176 public EntranceScript entrance_1;
// Token: 0x040000B1 RID: 177 public EntranceScript entrance_2;
// Token: 0x040000B2 RID: 178 public EntranceScript entrance_3;
// Token: 0x040000B3 RID: 179 public GameObject baldiTutor;
// Token: 0x040000B4 RID: 180 public GameObject baldi;
// Token: 0x040000B5 RID: 181 public BaldiScript baldiScrpt;
// Token: 0x040000B6 RID: 182 public AudioClip aud_Prize;
// Token: 0x040000B7 RID: 183 public AudioClip aud_AllNotebooks;
// Token: 0x040000B8 RID: 184 public GameObject principal; public GameObject principalson;
// Token: 0x040000B9 RID: 185 public GameObject crafters;
// Token: 0x040000BA RID: 186 public GameObject playtime;
// Token: 0x040000BB RID: 187 public PlaytimeScript playtimeScript;
// Token: 0x040000BC RID: 188 public GameObject gottaSweep;
// Token: 0x040000BD RID: 189 public GameObject bully;
// Token: 0x040000BE RID: 190 public GameObject firstPrize;
// Token: 0x040000BF RID: 191 public FirstPrizeScript firstPrizeScript;
// Token: 0x040000BE RID: 192 public GameObject clocker;
// Token: 0x040000BE RID: 193 public ClockerScript clockscript;
public GameObject beans; public BeansScript beansScript;
public GameObject kingofdoors; public KoDScript KingOfDoorsScript;
// Token: 0x040000C0 RID: 194 public GameObject quarter;
public GameObject dollar1; public GameObject dollar2; public GameObject dollar3;
// Token: 0x040000C1 RID: 195 public AudioSource tutorBaldi;
// Token: 0x040000C2 RID: 196 public string mode;
// Token: 0x040000C3 RID: 197 public int notebooks;
// Token: 0x040000C4 RID: 198 public GameObject[] notebookPickups;
// Token: 0x040000C5 RID: 199 public int failedNotebooks;
// Token: 0x040000C6 RID: 200 public float time;
// Token: 0x040000C7 RID: 201 public bool spoopMode;
// Token: 0x040000C8 RID: 202 public bool finaleMode;
// Token: 0x040000C9 RID: 203 public bool debugMode;
// Token: 0x040000CA RID: 204 public bool mouseLocked;
// Token: 0x040000CB RID: 205 public int exitsReached;
// Token: 0x040000CC RID: 206 public int itemSelected;
// Token: 0x040000CD RID: 207 public int[] item = new int[5];
// Token: 0x040000CE RID: 207 public RawImage[] itemSlot = new RawImage[5];
// Token: 0x040000CF RID: 208 private string[] itemNames = new string[] { "Nothing", "Energy flavored Zesty Bar", "Yellow Door Lock", "Principal's Keys", "BSODA", "Quarter", "Baldi Anti Hearing and Disorienting Tape", "Alarm Clock", "WD-NoSquee (Door Type)", "Safety Scissors", "Portable Tape Player", "Jimmy's Lost Pencil", "Handy Dollar", "Principal Ban-er", "Chewsi Speedy Bar", "Rare Teleporter", "Water Bottle", "Ice Cream", "Pancake", "A Piece of Gum", "Principal's Dollar" };
// Token: 0x040000D0 RID: 209 public Text itemText;
// Token: 0x040000D1 RID: 210 public UnityEngine.Object[] items = new UnityEngine.Object[10];
// Token: 0x040000D2 RID: 211 public Texture[] itemTextures = new Texture[10];
// Token: 0x040000D3 RID: 212 public GameObject bsodaSpray;
public GameObject PlayerGum;
// Token: 0x040000D4 RID: 213 public GameObject alarmClock;
// Token: 0x040000D4 RID: 214 public GameObject portTape;
// Token: 0x040000D5 RID: 215 public Text notebookCount;
// Token: 0x040000D6 RID: 216 public GameObject pauseText;
// Token: 0x040000D7 RID: 217 public GameObject highScoreText;
// Token: 0x040000D8 RID: 218 public GameObject baldiNod;
// Token: 0x040000D9 RID: 219 public GameObject baldiShake;
// Token: 0x040000DA RID: 220 public GameObject warning;
// Token: 0x040000DB RID: 221 public GameObject reticle; public GameObject reticle2;
// Token: 0x040000DC RID: 222 public RectTransform itemSelect;
Please make a video about how to make it so when you're inside The playground, When you stand, you get stamina faster and when you walk or run, you stamina doesn't deplete. Also please give me the tree textures the ones from the public demo.
Please make a video about how to make it so when you're inside The playground, When you stand, you get stamina faster and when you walk or run, you stamina doesn't deplete. Also please give me the tree textures the ones from the public demo.
Due to the creator's request, 20 people can now sign up for the private demo, before it was 15. 16/20 are currently taken, you can sign up here:
Please give me the flower script. The flower is supposed to make a noise and make Baldi go to where the noise was when the Player steps on the flower. Also, give me a Non-Minecraft Sound that plays when the player steps on the flower.
Look at the Update i posted to Baldi's Funner Newer School! Also, Post this update on Gamebanana and change the Gamebanana Page a bit like i did with the Page.
The flower Is supposed to make a noise and make Baldi go to where the noise was when the Player steps on it.Please Give me The flower script. Also, give me a sound that's not from Minecraft that plays when the Player steps on the Flower.
5 More people can sign up for the private demo now! JSP, Please allow 5 more people to signup. I didn't think of 20 people being able to signup earlier.
Please make a video about how to make it so when you're inside The playground, When you stand, you get stamina faster and when you walk or run, you stamina doesn't deplete. Also please give me the tree textures the ones from the public demo.
Also, someone named Mr_MaximYT had an idea of adding an elevator that characters could use to go to other parts of the school. He was wondering if you could add the idea or not.
The signup link for private demo testers is now available! I have updated this post with a link. Edit: Here is the link: (10/15 people have signed up as testers!) Only 5 slots are left!
Please give me the Flower Script. The Flower Script is supposed to make the flower make a noise and make Baldi come to where the noise was when the Player steps on the Flower. Also, give me the sound that the flower makes when the player steps on it that's not a Minecraft sound.
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made by me
could you add a download and make a zip folder.
no android support?
This mod won't have any updates until JSP Gives me what i want. The next update is mostly about replacing placeholder stuff. Please tell JSP To look at the latest update at Gamebanana. I have been trying to get what i want, but he isn't giving me what i want. Please convince JSP to look at the latest update and tell him to give me what i want.
Maybe that comment is stupid.
You, give me the download link, let me see what this mod looks like, I have to play it, I am attracted to it! !
It's not out yet!
is this mod already done
No. I was abesnt for over 3 months.
Please look at my latest post in this page. then do what i want you and others to do.
Wheres updates?(
It will come out once i Add Cameras!
Message here. don't ask if you can be a private beta tester. there is no private beta.
Nice mod! How to become a beta tester of Private Pre-Release 2?
Just wait until i release the Private Pre-Release 2 forms thing!
Ok, I really like the mod that you get! Shoot more videos and good luck with the mod!
The reason why is there priavte versions is because JSP Inspired me to add Private versions. The Reason why i'm making this mod is so to keep people from getting bored. 2.0 will be the first version to cost money. The reason why is because 1, Mystman12 Inspired me to make 2.0 the first version to cost money. 2, My parents need money. Also, thanks with the message!
Also, there is no Private beta. There isn't always private betas of mods. This mod doesn't have Private betas. Look at the Versions planned before 1.0.
It's looking fantastic!
No problem!
Watch this video!
There will no elevator scenes since when you click on the mode buttons, the elevator scenes will freeze.
how did you made a merry-go-round?
I used A merry go round package from someone.
I Have to remake this mod. JSP, Please put this mod to 0% On Gamebanana
Please add Public Beta 2b To Versions Planned before 1.0. The Beta 2b will release when the mod is 80%. Please JSP?
Alright, I will add it
Look at the Update i posted to Baldi's Funner Newer School! Also, Post this update on Gamebanana and change the Gamebanana Page a bit like i did with the Page.
Please give me the flower script. The flower is supposed to make a noise and make Baldi go to where the noise was when the Player steps on the flower. Also, give me a Non-Minecraft Sound that plays when the player steps on the flower.
Please post a Update to the Gamebanana Page.
Why didn't you make a public download of BFNS+ 2YMA OS?
Please look at the latest update of this mod. then give me what i want please. please do that. Please don't take forever. Please reply when you do what i want you to do.
Look at the Updates i posted to Baldi's Funner Newer School! Also, Post them on Gamebanana and change the Gamebanana Page a bit like i did with the Page.
Look at the Updates i posted to Baldi's Funner Newer School! Also, Post them on Gamebanana and change the Gamebanana Page a bit like i did with the Page.
Look at the Updates i posted to Baldi's Funner Newer School! Also, Post them on Gamebanana and change the Gamebanana Page a bit like i did with the Page.
Look at the Updates i posted to Baldi's Funner Newer School! Also, Post them on Gamebanana and change the Gamebanana Page a bit like i did with the Page.
Look at the Updates i posted to Baldi's Funner Newer School! Also, Post them on Gamebanana and change the Gamebanana Page a bit like i did with the Page.
Look at the Updates i posted to Baldi's Funner Newer School! Also, Post them on Gamebanana and change the Gamebanana Page a bit like i did with the Page.
Look at the Updates i posted to Baldi's Funner Newer School! Also, Post them on Gamebanana and change the Gamebanana Page a bit like i did with the Page.
Please help me with this problem! When i test the BFNS Mod, The items except the original items don't work! Please take a look at the code! Please also give me the code for the new function i'm about to talk about! The problem started when i tried to add a new function to the Dollar, More specifically, you can use it to get 4 Zesty Bars! Here's the code you have to take a look at. Look at the replys to see the code. the reason why there are multiple replys is because the entire code is too much for a single comment.
using System; using System.Collections; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; using UnityEngine.UI;
// Token: 0x0200001F RID: 31 public class GameControllerScript : MonoBehaviour { // Token: 0x06000080 RID: 128 RVA: 0x0000438C File Offset: 0x0000278C public GameControllerScript() { int[] array = new int[5]; array[0] = -320; array[1] = -240; array[2] = -160; array[3] = -80; this.itemSelectOffset = array; }
// Token: 0x06000081 RID: 129 RVA: 0x00004448 File Offset: 0x00002848 private void Start() { this.audioDevice = base.GetComponent<AudioSource>(); //Get the Audio Source this.mode = PlayerPrefs.GetString("CurrentMode"); //Get the current mode if (this.mode == "endless") //If it is endless mode { this.baldiScrpt.endless = true; //Set Baldi use his slightly changed endless anger system } this.schoolMusic.Play(); //Play the school music this.LockMouse(); //Prevent the mouse from moving this.UpdateNotebookCount(); //Update the notebook count this.itemSelected = 0; //Set selection to item slot 0(the first item slot) this.gameOverDelay = 0.5f; }
// Token: 0x06000082 RID: 130 RVA: 0x000044BC File Offset: 0x000028BC private void Update() { this.MouseAppearing();
if (!this.learningActive) { if (Input.GetButtonDown("Pause")) { if (!this.gamePaused) { this.PauseGame(); } else { this.UnpauseGame(); } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Y) & this.gamePaused) { SceneManager.LoadScene("MainMenu"); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.N) & this.gamePaused) { this.UnpauseGame(); } if (!this.gamePaused & Time.timeScale != 1f) { Time.timeScale = 1f; } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)) { this.UseItem(); } if (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") > 0f) { this.DecreaseItemSelection(); } else if (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") < 0f) { this.IncreaseItemSelection(); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha1)) { this.itemSelected = 0; this.UpdateItemSelection(); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha2)) { this.itemSelected = 1; this.UpdateItemSelection(); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha3)) { this.itemSelected = 2; this.UpdateItemSelection(); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha4)) { this.itemSelected = 3; this.UpdateItemSelection(); } else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha5)) { this.itemSelected = 4; this.UpdateItemSelection(); } } else if (Time.timeScale != 0f) { Time.timeScale = 0f; } if (this.player.stamina < 0f & !this.warning.activeSelf) { this.warning.SetActive(true); //Set the warning text to be visible } else if (this.player.stamina > 0f & this.warning.activeSelf) { this.warning.SetActive(false); //Set the warning text to be invisible } if (this.player.gameOver) { Time.timeScale = 0f; //Pause the game this.gameOverDelay -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime; this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_buzz); //Play the jumpscare sound if (this.gameOverDelay <= 0f) { if (this.mode == "endless") //If it is in endless { if (this.notebooks > PlayerPrefs.GetInt("HighBooks")) //If the player achieved a new score { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("HighBooks", this.notebooks); //Update the high score PlayerPrefs.SetInt("HighTime", Mathf.FloorToInt(this.time)); //(Unused) Update the time this.highScoreText.SetActive(true); // "WOW KAZOW! THATS A NEW HIGH SCORE!" } else if (this.notebooks == PlayerPrefs.GetInt("HighBooks") & Mathf.FloorToInt(this.time) > PlayerPrefs.GetInt("HighTime")) //(Unused) If the player has a brand new record for time { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("HighTime", Mathf.FloorToInt(this.time)); //Update the high time this.highScoreText.SetActive(true); // "WOW KAZOW! THATS A NEW HIGH SCORE!" } PlayerPrefs.SetInt("CurrentBooks", this.notebooks); //Update the high score PlayerPrefs.SetInt("CurrentTime", Mathf.FloorToInt(this.time)); //(Unused) Update the time } Time.timeScale = 1f; // Unpause the game SceneManager.LoadScene("GameOver"); // Go to the game over screen } } if (this.finaleMode && !this.audioDevice.isPlaying && this.exitsReached == 3) //Play the weird sound after getting some exits { this.audioDevice.clip = this.aud_MachineLoop; this.audioDevice.loop = true; this.audioDevice.Play(); } }
// Token: 0x06000083 RID: 131 RVA: 0x00004828 File Offset: 0x00002C28 private void UpdateNotebookCount() { if (this.mode == "Floor 1") { this.notebookCount.text = this.notebooks.ToString() + "/9 Notebooks"; } else { this.notebookCount.text = this.notebooks.ToString() + " Notebooks"; } if (this.notebooks == 9 & this.mode == "Floor 1") { this.ActivateFinaleMode(); } }
// Token: 0x06000084 RID: 132 RVA: 0x000048C0 File Offset: 0x00002CC0 public void CollectNotebook() { this.notebooks++; this.UpdateNotebookCount(); this.time = 0f; }
// Token: 0x06000085 RID: 133 RVA: 0x000048E1 File Offset: 0x00002CE1 public void LockMouse() { if (!this.learningActive) { this.cursorController.LockCursor(); //Prevent the cursor from moving this.mouseLocked = true; this.reticle.SetActive(true); } }
// Token: 0x06000086 RID: 134 RVA: 0x0000490C File Offset: 0x00002D0C public void UnlockMouse() { this.cursorController.UnlockCursor(); //Allow the cursor to move this.mouseLocked = false; this.reticle.SetActive(false); }
// Token: 0x06000087 RID: 135 RVA: 0x0000492C File Offset: 0x00002D2C private void PauseGame() { Time.timeScale = 0f; this.gamePaused = true; this.pauseText.SetActive(true); this.baldiNod.SetActive(true); this.baldiShake.SetActive(true); }
// Token: 0x06000088 RID: 136 RVA: 0x00004963 File Offset: 0x00002D63 private void UnpauseGame() { Time.timeScale = 1f; this.gamePaused = false; this.pauseText.SetActive(false); this.baldiNod.SetActive(false); this.baldiShake.SetActive(false); }
// Token: 0x06000089 RID: 137 RVA: 0x0000499C File Offset: 0x00002D9C public void ActivateSpoopMode() { this.spoopMode = true; //Tells the game its time for spooky this.entrance_0.Lower(); //Lowers all the exits this.entrance_1.Lower(); this.entrance_2.Lower(); this.entrance_3.Lower(); this.baldiTutor.SetActive(false); //Turns off Baldi(The one that you see at the start of the game) this.quarter.SetActive(false); // Baldi takes the Quarter he gives you if you haven't picked it up yet this.baldi.SetActive(true); //Turns on Baldi this.principal.SetActive(true); //Turns on Principal this.principalson.SetActive(true); //Turns on Principal's Son this.crafters.SetActive(true); //Turns on Crafters this.playtime.SetActive(true); //Turns on Playtime this.beans.SetActive(true); // Turns on Beans this.clocker.SetActive(true); // Turns on Clocker from BFNS+ this.kingofdoors.SetActive(true); this.gottaSweep.SetActive(true); //Turns on Gotta Sweep this.bully.SetActive(true); //Turns on Bully this.firstPrize.SetActive(true); //Turns on First-Prize this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_Hang); //Plays the hang sound this.learnMusic.Stop(); //Stop all the music this.schoolMusic.Stop();
if (this.rcs.zerothSpawnChance >= 5f) { this.zeroprize.SetActive(true); } else { this.zeroprize.SetActive(false); } if (this.rcs.cloudySpawnChance >= 2f) { this.cloudycopter.SetActive(true); } else { this.cloudycopter.SetActive(false); } if (this.rcs.testditheredSpawnChance >= 15f) { this.testdithered.SetActive(true); } else { this.testdithered.SetActive(false); } }
// Token: 0x0600008A RID: 138 RVA: 0x00004A63 File Offset: 0x00002E63 private void ActivateFinaleMode() { this.finaleMode = true; this.entrance_0.Raise(); //Raise all the enterances(make them appear) this.entrance_1.Raise(); this.entrance_2.Raise(); this.entrance_3.Raise(); }
// Token: 0x0600008B RID: 139 RVA: 0x00004A98 File Offset: 0x00002E98 public void GetAngry(float value) //Make Baldi get angry { if (!this.spoopMode) { this.ActivateSpoopMode(); } this.baldiScrpt.GetAngry(value); }
// Token: 0x0600008C RID: 140 RVA: 0x00004AB7 File Offset: 0x00002EB7 public void ActivateLearningGame() { this.learningActive = true; this.UnlockMouse(); //Unlock the mouse this.tutorBaldi.Stop(); //Make tutor Baldi stop talking if (!this.spoopMode) //If the player hasn't gotten a question wrong { this.schoolMusic.Stop(); //Start playing the learn music this.learnMusic.Play(); } }
// Token: 0x0600008D RID: 141 RVA: 0x00004AF4 File Offset: 0x00002EF4 public void DeactivateLearningGame(GameObject subject) { this.learningActive = false; UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(subject); this.LockMouse(); //Prevent the mouse from moving if (this.player.stamina < player.maxStamina) //Reset Stamina { this.player.stamina = this.player.maxStamina * 1f; } if (!this.spoopMode) //If it isn't spoop mode, play the school music { this.schoolMusic.Play(); this.learnMusic.Stop(); } if (this.notebooks == 1 & !this.spoopMode) // If this is the players first notebook and they didn't get any questions wrong, reward them with a quarter { this.quarter.SetActive(true); this.tutorBaldi.PlayOneShot(this.aud_Prize); } else if (this.notebooks == 9 & this.mode == "Floor 1") // Plays the all 9 notebook sound { this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_AllNotebooks, 0.8f); } }
// Token: 0x0600008E RID: 142 RVA: 0x00004BCC File Offset: 0x00002FCC private void IncreaseItemSelection() { this.itemSelected++; if (this.itemSelected > 4) { this.itemSelected = 0; } this.itemSelect.anchoredPosition = new Vector3((float)this.itemSelectOffset[this.itemSelected], -10f, -10f); //Moves the item selector background(the red rectangle) this.UpdateItemName(); }
// Token: 0x0600008F RID: 143 RVA: 0x00004C30 File Offset: 0x00003030 private void DecreaseItemSelection() { this.itemSelected--; if (this.itemSelected < 0) { this.itemSelected = 4; } this.itemSelect.anchoredPosition = new Vector3((float)this.itemSelectOffset[this.itemSelected], -10f, -10f); //Moves the item selector background(the red rectangle) this.UpdateItemName(); }
// Token: 0x06000090 RID: 144 RVA: 0x00004C91 File Offset: 0x00003091 private void UpdateItemSelection() { this.itemSelect.anchoredPosition = new Vector3((float)this.itemSelectOffset[this.itemSelected], -10f, 10f); //Moves the item selector background(the red rectangle) this.UpdateItemName(); }
// Token: 0x06000091 RID: 145 RVA: 0x00004CC8 File Offset: 0x000030C8 public void CollectItem(int item_ID) { if (this.item[0] == 0) { this.item[0] = item_ID; //Set the item slot to the Item_ID provided this.itemSlot[0].texture = this.itemTextures[item_ID]; //Set the item slot's texture to a texture in a list of textures based on the Item_ID } else if (this.item[1] == 0) { this.item[1] = item_ID; //Set the item slot to the Item_ID provided this.itemSlot[1].texture = this.itemTextures[item_ID]; //Set the item slot's texture to a texture in a list of textures based on the Item_ID } else if (this.item[2] == 0) { this.item[2] = item_ID; //Set the item slot to the Item_ID provided this.itemSlot[2].texture = this.itemTextures[item_ID]; //Set the item slot's texture to a texture in a list of textures based on the Item_ID } else if (this.item[3] == 0) { this.item[3] = item_ID; //Set the item slot to the Item_ID provided this.itemSlot[3].texture = this.itemTextures[item_ID]; //Set the item slot's texture to a texture in a list of textures based on the Item_ID } else if (this.item[4] == 0) { this.item[4] = item_ID; //Set the item slot to the Item_ID provided this.itemSlot[4].texture = this.itemTextures[item_ID]; //Set the item slot's texture to a texture in a list of textures based on the Item_ID } else //This one overwrites the currently selected slot when your inventory is full { this.item[this.itemSelected] = item_ID; this.itemSlot[this.itemSelected].texture = this.itemTextures[item_ID]; } this.UpdateItemName(); }
// Token: 0x06000092 RID: 146 RVA: 0x00004D94 File Offset: 0x00003194 private void UseItem() { if (this.item[this.itemSelected] != 0) //If the item slot isn't empty { if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 1) //Zesty Bar Code { this.player.stamina = this.player.maxStamina * 2f; this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_Crunch); // Plays the Crunch Sound this.baldiScrpt.Hear(base.transform.position, 10f); // Makes Baldi go to the location where the Player was eating the ESFB if (!this.player.Outside) this.player.ResetGuilt("eat", 1f); // Makes the player guilty for eating } else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 2) //Yellow Door Lock Code { Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); RaycastHit raycastHit; if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out raycastHit) && (raycastHit.collider.tag == "SwingingDoor" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) <= 10f)) { raycastHit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<SwingingDoorScript>().LockDoor(15f); //Lock the door for 15 seconds this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item } } else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 3) //Principal's Keys Code { Ray ray2 = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); RaycastHit raycastHit2; if (Physics.Raycast(ray2, out raycastHit2) && (raycastHit2.collider.tag == "Door" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit2.transform.position) <= 10f)) { raycastHit2.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<DoorScript>().UnlockDoor(); //Unlock the door raycastHit2.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<DoorScript>().OpenDoor(); //Open the door this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item } } else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 4) //Bsoda Code { UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(this.bsodaSpray, this.playerTransform.position, this.cameraTransform.rotation); //Clone the BSODA Spray object this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item this.player.ResetGuilt("drink", 1f); // Makes the player guilty for drinking this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_Soda); // Play the spray sound this.baldiScrpt.Hear(base.transform.position, 10f); // Makes Baldi go to the location where the Player was drinking the BSODA if (!this.player.Outside) this.player.ResetGuilt("drink", 1f); // Makes the player guilty for drinking } else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 5) //Quarter Code { Ray ray3 = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); RaycastHit raycastHit3; if (Physics.Raycast(ray3, out raycastHit3)) { if ( == "BSODAMachine" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit3.transform.position) <= 10f) { this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item this.CollectItem(4); //Give BSODA } else if ( == "ZestyMachine" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit3.transform.position) <= 10f) { this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item this.CollectItem(1); //Give Zesty Bar } else if ( == "PayPhone" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit3.transform.position) <= 10f) { raycastHit3.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<TapePlayerScript>().Play(); //Tell the phone to start making the noise this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item } else if ( == "RandomMachine" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit3.transform.position) <= 10f) { int num3 = Mathf.RoundToInt(UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 10)); this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item this.CollectItem(num3); //Give a random item } } } else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 6) // Baldi Anti-hearing Code { Ray ray4 = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); RaycastHit raycastHit4; if (Physics.Raycast(ray4, out raycastHit4) && ( == "TapePlayer" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit4.transform.position) <= 10f)) { raycastHit4.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<TapePlayerScript>().Play(); //Tell the tape player to start making the noise this.ResetItem(); } } else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 7) // Alarm Clock Code { GameObject gameObject = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(this.alarmClock, this.playerTransform.position, this.cameraTransform.rotation); //Create a clone of the Alarm Clock gameObject.GetComponent<AlarmClockScript>().baldi = this.baldiScrpt; //Set the Alarm Clock's Baldi to the BaldiScript this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item } else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 8) // WD No Squee Code { Ray ray5 = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); RaycastHit raycastHit5; if (Physics.Raycast(ray5, out raycastHit5) && (raycastHit5.collider.tag == "Door" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit5.transform.position) <= 10f)) { raycastHit5.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<DoorScript>().SilenceDoor(); // Silences the door this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_Spray); //Plays the spray sound } } else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 9) // Safety Scissors Code { Ray ray6 = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); RaycastHit raycastHit6; if (this.player.jumpRope) { this.ResetItem(); this.player.ResetGuiltBrokenRulesOutside("bully", 1f); this.player.DeactivateJumpRope(); this.playtimeScript.Disappoint(); } else if (Physics.Raycast(ray6, out raycastHit6) && == "1st Prize") { this.firstPrizeScript.GoCrazy(); this.ResetItem(); } } else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 10) // Portable Alarm Clock Code { GameObject gameObject = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(this.portTape, this.playerTransform.position, this.cameraTransform.rotation); //Create a clone of the Portable Tape gameObject.GetComponent<TapeDropScript>().baldi = this.baldiScrpt; //Set the Portable Tape's Baldi to the BaldiScript this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item } else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 11) // Stab Pencil Code { RaycastHit raycastHit; if (Physics.Raycast(Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(new Vector3((float)(Screen.width / 2), (float)(Screen.height / 2), 0f)), out raycastHit) && raycastHit.collider.tag == "NPC" && != "Baldi" && Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) <= 10f) { StartCoroutine(PencilStun(raycastHit.transform.gameObject)); this.ResetItem(); this.player.ResetGuiltBrokenRulesOutside("stabbing", 1f); } return; } else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 12) // Dollar Code { Ray ray3 = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); RaycastHit raycastHit3; if (Physics.Raycast(ray3, out raycastHit3)) { if ( == "BSODAMachine" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit3.transform.position) <= 10f) //If the dollar is inserted in the bsoda machine { this.ResetItem(); //Remove the dollar from that slot this.item[0] = 4; //Put a bsoda in item slot 1 this.item[1] = 4; //Put a bsoda in item slot 2 this.item[2] = 4; //Put a bsoda in item slot 3 this.item[3] = 4; //Put a bsoda in item slot 4 this.itemSlot[0].texture = this.itemTextures[4]; //Put the bsoda texture in slot 1 this.itemSlot[1].texture = this.itemTextures[4]; //Put the bsoda texture in slot 2 this.itemSlot[2].texture = this.itemTextures[4]; //Put the bsoda texture in slot 3 this.itemSlot[3].texture = this.itemTextures[4]; //Put the bsoda texture in slot 4 this.UpdateItemName(); //Update the item names for the slots } //Basically, if you put a dollar in the bsoda machine, it gives you 4 bsodas in your first 4 slots
else if ( == "DollarMachine" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit3.transform.position) <= 10f) //If the dollar is inserted in the dollar machine { this.ResetItem(); //Remove the dollar from that slot this.item[0] = 5; //Put a quarter in item slot 1 this.item[1] = 5; //Put a quarter in item slot 2 this.item[2] = 5; //Put a quarter in item slot 3 this.item[3] = 5; //Put a quarter in item slot 4 this.itemSlot[0].texture = this.itemTextures[5]; //Put the quarter texture in slot 1 this.itemSlot[1].texture = this.itemTextures[5]; //Put the quarter texture in slot 2 this.itemSlot[2].texture = this.itemTextures[5]; //Put the quarter texture in slot 3 this.itemSlot[3].texture = this.itemTextures[5]; //Put the quarter texture in slot 4 this.UpdateItemName(); //Update the item names for the slots } //Basically, if you put a dollar in the dollar machine, it gives you 4 quarters in your first 4 slots
else if ( == "RareMachine" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit3.transform.position) <= 10f) //If player uses quarter on the rare machine { this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item this.CollectItem(15); //Give the player a Teleporter Item this.raremachine.SetActive(false); //Despawn the rare machine }
} } }
else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 13) // Principal Banner Code { StartCoroutine(PrincipalBanner()); this.ResetItem(); }
else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 14) // Chewsi Speedy Bar Code { StartCoroutine(ChewsiBar()); this.ResetItem(); this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_Crunch); // Plays the Crunch Sound this.baldiScrpt.Hear(base.transform.position, 10f); // Makes Baldi go to the location where the Player was eating the CSB if (!this.player.Outside) this.player.ResetGuilt("eat", 1f); // Makes the player guilty for eating }
else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 15) // Teleporter Code { base.StartCoroutine(this.Teleporter()); this.ResetItem(); }
else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 16) // Water Bottle Code
{ this.player.stamina += 75f; this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_DrinkWater); // Plays the Drink Water Sound this.baldiScrpt.Hear(base.transform.position, 10f); // Makes Baldi go to the location where the Player was drinking water if (!this.player.Outside) this.player.ResetGuilt("drink", 1f); // Makes the player guilty for drinking } else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 17) // Ice Cream Code { this.player.stamina += 150f; this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_EatIceCream); // Makes the Eat Ice Cream sound this.baldiScrpt.Hear(base.transform.position, 10f); // Makes Baldi go to the location where the Player was eating the Ice Cream if (!this.player.Outside) this.player.ResetGuilt("eat", 1f); } else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 18) // Pancake Code { this.player.maxStamina += 12.5f; this.player.stamina += 25f; this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_EatPancake); this.baldiScrpt.Hear(base.transform.position, 10f); // Makes Baldi go to the location where the Player was eating the Pancake if (!this.player.Outside) this.player.ResetGuilt("eat", 1f); } else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 19) //A Piece of Gum Code { UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(this.PlayerGum, this.playerTransform.position, this.cameraTransform.rotation); //Clone the Player's Gum object this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item this.player.ResetGuiltBrokenRulesOutside("spitgum", 1f); // Makes the player guilty for spitting gum this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_SpitGum); // Play the spray sound this.baldiScrpt.Hear(base.transform.position, 10f); // Makes Baldi go to the location where the Player was Spitting a gum = "Player's Gum"; } else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 20) // Principal's Dollar Code { Ray ray3 = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); RaycastHit raycastHit3; if (Physics.Raycast(ray3, out raycastHit3)) { if ( == "BSODAMachine" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit3.transform.position) <= 10f) //If the dollar is inserted in the bsoda machine { this.ResetItem(); //Remove the dollar from that slot this.item[0] = 4; //Put a bsoda in item slot 1 this.item[1] = 4; //Put a bsoda in item slot 2 this.item[2] = 4; //Put a bsoda in item slot 3 this.item[3] = 4; //Put a bsoda in item slot 4 this.itemSlot[0].texture = this.itemTextures[4]; //Put the bsoda texture in slot 1 this.itemSlot[1].texture = this.itemTextures[4]; //Put the bsoda texture in slot 2 this.itemSlot[2].texture = this.itemTextures[4]; //Put the bsoda texture in slot 3 this.itemSlot[3].texture = this.itemTextures[4]; //Put the bsoda texture in slot 4 this.UpdateItemName(); //Update the item names for the slots this.player.ResetGuiltBrokenRulesOutside("usepridollar", 1f); }
else if ( == "DollarMachine" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit3.transform.position) <= 10f) //If the dollar is inserted in the dollar machine { this.ResetItem(); //Remove the dollar from that slot this.item[0] = 5; //Put a quarter in item slot 1 this.item[1] = 5; //Put a quarter in item slot 2 this.item[2] = 5; //Put a quarter in item slot 3 this.item[3] = 5; //Put a quarter in item slot 4 this.itemSlot[0].texture = this.itemTextures[5]; //Put the quarter texture in slot 1 this.itemSlot[1].texture = this.itemTextures[5]; //Put the quarter texture in slot 2 this.itemSlot[2].texture = this.itemTextures[5]; //Put the quarter texture in slot 3 this.itemSlot[3].texture = this.itemTextures[5]; //Put the quarter texture in slot 4 this.UpdateItemName(); //Update the item names for the slots this.player.ResetGuiltBrokenRulesOutside("usepridollar", 1f); }
else if ( == "RareMachine" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit3.transform.position) <= 10f) //If player uses quarter on the rare machine { this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item this.CollectItem(15); //Give the player a Teleporter Item this.raremachine.SetActive(false); //Despawn the rare machine this.player.ResetGuiltBrokenRulesOutside("usepridollar", 1f); } } } }
// Token: 0x06000991 RID: 2449 RVA: 0x000236A0 File Offset: 0x00021AA0 private IEnumerator Teleporter() { this.playerCollider.enabled = false; this.player.walkSpeed = 0f; this.player.runSpeed = 0f; Debug.Log("Start Teleporter"); int teleports = UnityEngine.Random.Range(7, 14); int teleportCount = 0; float baseTime = 0.3f; float currentTime = baseTime; float increaseFactor = 1.1f; while (teleportCount < teleports) { currentTime -= Time.deltaTime; if (currentTime < 0f) { this.Teleport(); teleportCount++; baseTime *= increaseFactor; currentTime = baseTime; } this.player.height = 4f; yield return null; } this.player.walkSpeed = 10f; this.player.runSpeed = 20f; Debug.Log("End Teleporter"); this.playerCollider.enabled = true; yield break; }
// Token: 0x06000992 RID: 2450 RVA: 0x000236BC File Offset: 0x00021ABC private void Teleport() { this.AILocationSelector.GetNewTarget(); this.player.transform.position = this.AILocationSelector.transform.position + Vector3.up * this.player.height; this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_Teleport); this.baldiScrpt.Hear(base.transform.position, 10f); // Baldi Hears the Teleporting Sound }
IEnumerator ChewsiBar() { float timer = 15f; this.player.walkSpeed = 40f; this.player.runSpeed = 80f; Debug.Log("Make Player 4x Faster"); while (timer > 0) { timer -= Time.deltaTime; yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); } Debug.Log("Return Player To Normal Speed"); this.player.walkSpeed = 10f; this.player.runSpeed = 20f; }
IEnumerator PrincipalBanner() { float timer = 45f; this.principal.SetActive(false); this.bannedicon.SetActive(true); this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.banned); Debug.Log("Principal has been banned!"); while (timer > 0) { timer -= Time.deltaTime; yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); } Debug.Log("Principal has been unbanned! Welcome back!"); this.principal.SetActive(true); this.bannedicon.SetActive(false); this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.hebackpri); }
// Token: 0x06000093 RID: 147 RVA: 0x000052F4 File Offset: 0x000036F4 private void ResetItem() { this.item[this.itemSelected] = 0; //Resets the current item slot this.itemSlot[this.itemSelected].texture = this.itemTextures[0]; //Resets the current item slot texture this.UpdateItemName(); // Update The Item Name }
IEnumerator PencilStun(GameObject character) { float timer = 10f; UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent navMeshAgent = character.GetComponent<UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent>(); this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.pencilstab); while (timer > 0) { navMeshAgent.velocity =; timer -= Time.deltaTime; yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); } }
// Token: 0x06000094 RID: 148 RVA: 0x00005324 File Offset: 0x00003724 public void LoseItem(int id) { this.item[id] = 0; //Resets the item slot this.itemSlot[id].texture = this.itemTextures[0]; //Resets the item slot texture this.UpdateItemName(); }
// Token: 0x06000095 RID: 149 RVA: 0x0000534A File Offset: 0x0000374A private void UpdateItemName() { this.itemText.text = this.itemNames[this.item[this.itemSelected]]; }
// Token: 0x06000096 RID: 150 RVA: 0x0000536C File Offset: 0x0000376C public void ExitReached() { this.exitsReached++; if (this.exitsReached == 1) { RenderSettings.ambientLight =; //Make everything red and start player the weird sound RenderSettings.fog = true; this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_Switch, 0.8f); this.audioDevice.clip = this.aud_MachineQuiet; this.audioDevice.loop = true; this.audioDevice.Play(); } if (this.exitsReached == 2) //Play a sound { this.audioDevice.volume = 0.8f; this.audioDevice.clip = this.aud_MachineStart; this.audioDevice.loop = true; this.audioDevice.Play(); } if (this.exitsReached == 3) //Play a even louder sound { this.audioDevice.clip = this.aud_MachineRev; this.audioDevice.loop = false; this.audioDevice.Play(); this.time += Time.deltaTime; if (this.exitsReached == 3) { this.baldiScrpt.GetAngry(0.75f * Time.deltaTime); } } }
// Token: 0x06000097 RID: 151 RVA: 0x00005459 File Offset: 0x00003859 public void DespawnCrafters() { this.crafters.SetActive(false); //Make Arts And Crafters Inactive }
private void MouseAppearing() { Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(new Vector2(Screen.width / 2, Screen.height / 2)); RaycastHit raycastHit;
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out raycastHit) && (raycastHit.collider.tag == "Door" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) < 15f & !this.gamePaused)) { this.reticle.SetActive(false); this.reticle2.SetActive(true); } else if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out raycastHit) && (raycastHit.collider.tag == "Notebook" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) < 10f & !this.gamePaused)) { this.reticle.SetActive(false); this.reticle2.SetActive(true); } else if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out raycastHit) && (raycastHit.collider.tag == "Item" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) < 10f & !this.gamePaused)) { this.reticle.SetActive(false); this.reticle2.SetActive(true); } else if ( == "PayPhone" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) < 10f & !this.gamePaused) { this.reticle.SetActive(false); this.reticle2.SetActive(true); } else if ( == "TapePlayer" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) < 10f & !this.gamePaused) { this.reticle.SetActive(false); this.reticle2.SetActive(true); } else if ( == "Clocker" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) < 15f & !this.gamePaused) { this.reticle.SetActive(false); this.reticle2.SetActive(true); } else if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out raycastHit) && (raycastHit.collider.tag == "Fountain" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) < 15f & !this.gamePaused)) { this.reticle.SetActive(false); this.reticle2.SetActive(true); } else if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out raycastHit) && (raycastHit.collider.tag == "Hideable Locker" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) < 15f & !this.gamePaused)) { this.reticle.SetActive(false); this.reticle2.SetActive(true); } else if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out raycastHit) && (raycastHit.collider.tag == "Number Button Wall" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) < 15f & !this.gamePaused)) { this.reticle.SetActive(false); this.reticle2.SetActive(true); } else if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out raycastHit) && (raycastHit.collider.tag == "Vending Machine" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) < 15f & !this.gamePaused)) { this.reticle.SetActive(false); this.reticle2.SetActive(true); } else { this.reticle.SetActive(true); this.reticle2.SetActive(false); } }
public AILocationSelectorScript AILocationSelector; public Collider playerCollider; //The player's collider public AudioClip aud_Teleport; //The sound that plays when you teleport public AudioClip aud_Crunch; //The sound that plays when the player eats something public AudioClip aud_DrinkWater; //The sound that plays when the player drinks water public AudioClip aud_SpitGum; //The sound that plays when the Player Spits Gum public AudioClip aud_EatPancake; //The sound that plays when the Player eats a Pancake
public GameObject bannedicon; public AudioClip banned; public AudioClip hebackpri; public AudioClip aud_EatIceCream;
public GameObject raremachine; //The gameobject for the rare machine public GameObject zeroprize; public GameObject cloudycopter; public GameObject testdithered;
public AudioClip pencilstab;
public AudioClip cloudyPAH;
public RandomCharSpawner rcs;
// Token: 0x040000AB RID: 171 public CursorControllerScript cursorController;
// Token: 0x040000AC RID: 172 public PlayerScript player;
// Token: 0x040000AD RID: 173 public Transform playerTransform;
// Token: 0x040000AE RID: 174 public Transform cameraTransform;
// Token: 0x040000AF RID: 175 public EntranceScript entrance_0;
// Token: 0x040000B0 RID: 176 public EntranceScript entrance_1;
// Token: 0x040000B1 RID: 177 public EntranceScript entrance_2;
// Token: 0x040000B2 RID: 178 public EntranceScript entrance_3;
// Token: 0x040000B3 RID: 179 public GameObject baldiTutor;
// Token: 0x040000B4 RID: 180 public GameObject baldi;
// Token: 0x040000B5 RID: 181 public BaldiScript baldiScrpt;
// Token: 0x040000B6 RID: 182 public AudioClip aud_Prize;
// Token: 0x040000B7 RID: 183 public AudioClip aud_AllNotebooks;
// Token: 0x040000B8 RID: 184 public GameObject principal; public GameObject principalson;
// Token: 0x040000B9 RID: 185 public GameObject crafters;
// Token: 0x040000BA RID: 186 public GameObject playtime;
// Token: 0x040000BB RID: 187 public PlaytimeScript playtimeScript;
// Token: 0x040000BC RID: 188 public GameObject gottaSweep;
// Token: 0x040000BD RID: 189 public GameObject bully;
// Token: 0x040000BE RID: 190 public GameObject firstPrize;
// Token: 0x040000BF RID: 191 public FirstPrizeScript firstPrizeScript;
// Token: 0x040000BE RID: 192 public GameObject clocker;
// Token: 0x040000BE RID: 193 public ClockerScript clockscript;
public GameObject beans; public BeansScript beansScript;
public GameObject kingofdoors; public KoDScript KingOfDoorsScript;
// Token: 0x040000C0 RID: 194 public GameObject quarter;
public GameObject dollar1; public GameObject dollar2; public GameObject dollar3;
// Token: 0x040000C1 RID: 195 public AudioSource tutorBaldi;
// Token: 0x040000C2 RID: 196 public string mode;
// Token: 0x040000C3 RID: 197 public int notebooks;
// Token: 0x040000C4 RID: 198 public GameObject[] notebookPickups;
// Token: 0x040000C5 RID: 199 public int failedNotebooks;
// Token: 0x040000C6 RID: 200 public float time;
// Token: 0x040000C7 RID: 201 public bool spoopMode;
// Token: 0x040000C8 RID: 202 public bool finaleMode;
// Token: 0x040000C9 RID: 203 public bool debugMode;
// Token: 0x040000CA RID: 204 public bool mouseLocked;
// Token: 0x040000CB RID: 205 public int exitsReached;
// Token: 0x040000CC RID: 206 public int itemSelected;
// Token: 0x040000CD RID: 207 public int[] item = new int[5];
// Token: 0x040000CE RID: 207 public RawImage[] itemSlot = new RawImage[5];
// Token: 0x040000CF RID: 208 private string[] itemNames = new string[] { "Nothing", "Energy flavored Zesty Bar", "Yellow Door Lock", "Principal's Keys", "BSODA", "Quarter", "Baldi Anti Hearing and Disorienting Tape", "Alarm Clock", "WD-NoSquee (Door Type)", "Safety Scissors", "Portable Tape Player", "Jimmy's Lost Pencil", "Handy Dollar", "Principal Ban-er", "Chewsi Speedy Bar", "Rare Teleporter", "Water Bottle", "Ice Cream", "Pancake", "A Piece of Gum", "Principal's Dollar" };
// Token: 0x040000D0 RID: 209 public Text itemText;
// Token: 0x040000D1 RID: 210 public UnityEngine.Object[] items = new UnityEngine.Object[10];
// Token: 0x040000D2 RID: 211 public Texture[] itemTextures = new Texture[10];
// Token: 0x040000D3 RID: 212 public GameObject bsodaSpray;
public GameObject PlayerGum;
// Token: 0x040000D4 RID: 213 public GameObject alarmClock;
// Token: 0x040000D4 RID: 214 public GameObject portTape;
// Token: 0x040000D5 RID: 215 public Text notebookCount;
// Token: 0x040000D6 RID: 216 public GameObject pauseText;
// Token: 0x040000D7 RID: 217 public GameObject highScoreText;
// Token: 0x040000D8 RID: 218 public GameObject baldiNod;
// Token: 0x040000D9 RID: 219 public GameObject baldiShake;
// Token: 0x040000DA RID: 220 public GameObject warning;
// Token: 0x040000DB RID: 221 public GameObject reticle; public GameObject reticle2;
// Token: 0x040000DC RID: 222 public RectTransform itemSelect;
// Token: 0x040000DD RID: 223 private int[] itemSelectOffset;
// Token: 0x040000DE RID: 224 private bool gamePaused;
// Token: 0x040000DF RID: 225 private bool learningActive;
// Token: 0x040000E0 RID: 226 private float gameOverDelay;
// Token: 0x040000E1 RID: 227 private AudioSource audioDevice;
// Token: 0x040000E2 RID: 228 public AudioClip aud_Soda;
// Token: 0x040000E3 RID: 229 public AudioClip aud_Spray;
// Token: 0x040000E4 RID: 230 public AudioClip aud_buzz;
// Token: 0x040000E5 RID: 231 public AudioClip aud_Hang;
// Token: 0x040000E6 RID: 232 public AudioClip aud_MachineQuiet;
// Token: 0x040000E7 RID: 233 public AudioClip aud_MachineStart;
// Token: 0x040000E8 RID: 234 public AudioClip aud_MachineRev;
// Token: 0x040000E9 RID: 235 public AudioClip aud_MachineLoop;
// Token: 0x040000EA RID: 236 public AudioClip aud_Switch;
// Token: 0x040000EB RID: 237 public AudioSource schoolMusic;
// Token: 0x040000EC RID: 238 public AudioSource learnMusic; }
Please go to to help me with a problem! Please!
Please make a video about how to make it so when you're inside The playground, When you stand, you get stamina faster and when you walk or run, you stamina doesn't deplete. Also please give me the tree textures the ones from the public demo.
Please make a video about how to make it so when you're inside The playground, When you stand, you get stamina faster and when you walk or run, you stamina doesn't deplete. Also please give me the tree textures the ones from the public demo.
Due to the creator's request, 20 people can now sign up for the private demo, before it was 15. 16/20 are currently taken, you can sign up here:
Please give me the flower script. The flower is supposed to make a noise and make Baldi go to where the noise was when the Player steps on the flower. Also, give me a Non-Minecraft Sound that plays when the player steps on the flower.
Look at the Update i posted to Baldi's Funner Newer School! Also, Post this update on Gamebanana and change the Gamebanana Page a bit like i did with the Page.
The flower Is supposed to make a noise and make Baldi go to where the noise was when the Player steps on it.Please Give me The flower script. Also, give me a sound that's not from Minecraft that plays when the Player steps on the Flower.
5 More people can sign up for the private demo now! JSP, Please allow 5 more people to signup. I didn't think of 20 people being able to signup earlier.
Please make a video about how to make it so when you're inside The playground, When you stand, you get stamina faster and when you walk or run, you stamina doesn't deplete. Also please give me the tree textures the ones from the public demo.
Please add Beta 1b To versions planned before 1.0 on Gamebanana. The Beta 1b Will release when the mod is 65% Done. Please JSP?
Alright, I will update it now
Can i make baldi voice in beginning and YCTP music?
Okay. Yeah!
So, taking some inspiration from the original fun new school title design, here is the title screen I made for baldi's funner newer school!
And Here's The Private Demo Title Screen:
Also, someone named Mr_MaximYT had an idea of adding an elevator that characters could use to go to other parts of the school. He was wondering if you could add the idea or not.
I think that's a good idea! unfortunatly, I not as good at scripting as you are so please make a video of how to do it.
Hi, would you like to do tutorial on youtube on how to do custom map?
You think about what layout to do. then, You get the floors, the walls and the ceilings and etc. You start building you school!
I didn`t understand how can I build the map by taking walls and others, can you pls make an tutorial on youtube?
My video about me Making BFerNerS Shows you!
okay :)
The signup link for private demo testers is now available! I have updated this post with a link. Edit: Here is the link: (10/15 people have signed up as testers!) Only 5 slots are left!
Okay. Thanks!
The page is on gamebanana now. When you publish updates here, I will put them on the gamebanana page.
Please give me the Flower Script. The Flower Script is supposed to make the flower make a noise and make Baldi come to where the noise was when the Player steps on the Flower. Also, give me the sound that the flower makes when the player steps on it that's not a Minecraft sound.
im 11th