A downloadable game

When i test Baldi's Funner Newer School, Only the original items (Items that appeared in Baldi's Basics Classic) work! The rest of the items do nothing! The problem started when i tried to add a new function to the Dollar (When you use the dollar on a Zesty Bar Machine, You will get 4 Zesty Bars.).  Good Coders (Like JSP), Please take a good look at the code. Then, Please tell me what's wrong and how do i fix the Problem. You will get credit for helping me (Or if it is a person already in the credits, Than i will put something like "JSP: Helped me, Such as, Helping me with the problem that items (Except Items that appeared in Baldi's Basics Classic) did nothing."). Alright, here the code. When i get another problem, i will change this page.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.UI;
// Token: 0x0200001F RID: 31
public class GameControllerScript : MonoBehaviour
 // Token: 0x06000080 RID: 128 RVA: 0x0000438C File Offset: 0x0000278C
 public GameControllerScript()
 int[] array = new int[5];
 array[0] = -320;
 array[1] = -240;
 array[2] = -160;
 array[3] = -80;
 this.itemSelectOffset = array;
// Token: 0x06000081 RID: 129 RVA: 0x00004448 File Offset: 0x00002848
 private void Start()
 this.audioDevice = base.GetComponent<AudioSource>(); //Get the Audio Source
 this.mode = PlayerPrefs.GetString("CurrentMode"); //Get the current mode
 if (this.mode == "endless") //If it is endless mode
 this.baldiScrpt.endless = true; //Set Baldi use his slightly changed endless anger system
 this.schoolMusic.Play(); //Play the school music
 this.LockMouse(); //Prevent the mouse from moving
 this.UpdateNotebookCount(); //Update the notebook count
 this.itemSelected = 0; //Set selection to item slot 0(the first item slot)
 this.gameOverDelay = 0.5f;
// Token: 0x06000082 RID: 130 RVA: 0x000044BC File Offset: 0x000028BC
 private void Update()
if (!this.learningActive)
 if (Input.GetButtonDown("Pause"))
 if (!this.gamePaused)
 if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Y) & this.gamePaused)
 else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.N) & this.gamePaused)
 if (!this.gamePaused & Time.timeScale != 1f)
 Time.timeScale = 1f;
 if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1))
 if (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") > 0f)
 else if (Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") < 0f)
 if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha1))
 this.itemSelected = 0;
 else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha2))
 this.itemSelected = 1;
 else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha3))
 this.itemSelected = 2;
 else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha4))
 this.itemSelected = 3;
 else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha5))
 this.itemSelected = 4;
 else if (Time.timeScale != 0f)
 Time.timeScale = 0f;
 if (this.player.stamina < 0f & !this.warning.activeSelf)
 this.warning.SetActive(true); //Set the warning text to be visible
 else if (this.player.stamina > 0f & this.warning.activeSelf)
 this.warning.SetActive(false); //Set the warning text to be invisible
 if (this.player.gameOver)
 Time.timeScale = 0f; //Pause the game
 this.gameOverDelay -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime;
 this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_buzz); //Play the jumpscare sound
 if (this.gameOverDelay <= 0f)
 if (this.mode == "endless") //If it is in endless
 if (this.notebooks > PlayerPrefs.GetInt("HighBooks")) //If the player achieved a new score
 PlayerPrefs.SetInt("HighBooks", this.notebooks); //Update the high score
 PlayerPrefs.SetInt("HighTime", Mathf.FloorToInt(this.time)); //(Unused) Update the time
 this.highScoreText.SetActive(true); // "WOW KAZOW! THATS A NEW HIGH SCORE!"
 else if (this.notebooks == PlayerPrefs.GetInt("HighBooks") & Mathf.FloorToInt(this.time) > PlayerPrefs.GetInt("HighTime")) //(Unused) If the player has a brand new record for time
 PlayerPrefs.SetInt("HighTime", Mathf.FloorToInt(this.time)); //Update the high time
 this.highScoreText.SetActive(true); // "WOW KAZOW! THATS A NEW HIGH SCORE!"
 PlayerPrefs.SetInt("CurrentBooks", this.notebooks); //Update the high score
 PlayerPrefs.SetInt("CurrentTime", Mathf.FloorToInt(this.time)); //(Unused) Update the time
 Time.timeScale = 1f; // Unpause the game
 SceneManager.LoadScene("GameOver"); // Go to the game over screen
 if (this.finaleMode && !this.audioDevice.isPlaying && this.exitsReached == 3) //Play the weird sound after getting some exits
 this.audioDevice.clip = this.aud_MachineLoop;
 this.audioDevice.loop = true;
// Token: 0x06000083 RID: 131 RVA: 0x00004828 File Offset: 0x00002C28
 private void UpdateNotebookCount()
 if (this.mode == "Floor 1")
 this.notebookCount.text = this.notebooks.ToString() + "/9 Notebooks";
 this.notebookCount.text = this.notebooks.ToString() + " Notebooks";
 if (this.notebooks == 9 & this.mode == "Floor 1")
// Token: 0x06000084 RID: 132 RVA: 0x000048C0 File Offset: 0x00002CC0
 public void CollectNotebook()
 this.time = 0f;
// Token: 0x06000085 RID: 133 RVA: 0x000048E1 File Offset: 0x00002CE1
 public void LockMouse()
 if (!this.learningActive)
 this.cursorController.LockCursor(); //Prevent the cursor from moving
 this.mouseLocked = true;
// Token: 0x06000086 RID: 134 RVA: 0x0000490C File Offset: 0x00002D0C
 public void UnlockMouse()
 this.cursorController.UnlockCursor(); //Allow the cursor to move
 this.mouseLocked = false;
// Token: 0x06000087 RID: 135 RVA: 0x0000492C File Offset: 0x00002D2C
 private void PauseGame()
 Time.timeScale = 0f;
 this.gamePaused = true;
// Token: 0x06000088 RID: 136 RVA: 0x00004963 File Offset: 0x00002D63
 private void UnpauseGame()
 Time.timeScale = 1f;
 this.gamePaused = false;
// Token: 0x06000089 RID: 137 RVA: 0x0000499C File Offset: 0x00002D9C
 public void ActivateSpoopMode()
 this.spoopMode = true; //Tells the game its time for spooky
 this.entrance_0.Lower(); //Lowers all the exits
 this.baldiTutor.SetActive(false); //Turns off Baldi(The one that you see at the start of the game)
 this.quarter.SetActive(false); // Baldi takes the Quarter he gives you if you haven't picked it up yet
 this.baldi.SetActive(true); //Turns on Baldi
 this.principal.SetActive(true); //Turns on Principal
 this.principalson.SetActive(true); //Turns on Principal's Son
 this.crafters.SetActive(true); //Turns on Crafters
 this.playtime.SetActive(true); //Turns on Playtime
 this.beans.SetActive(true); // Turns on Beans
 this.clocker.SetActive(true); // Turns on Clocker from BFNS+
 this.gottaSweep.SetActive(true); //Turns on Gotta Sweep
 this.bully.SetActive(true); //Turns on Bully
 this.firstPrize.SetActive(true); //Turns on First-Prize
 this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_Hang); //Plays the hang sound
 this.learnMusic.Stop(); //Stop all the music
if (this.rcs.zerothSpawnChance >= 5f)
 if (this.rcs.cloudySpawnChance >= 2f)
 if (this.rcs.testditheredSpawnChance >= 15f)
// Token: 0x0600008A RID: 138 RVA: 0x00004A63 File Offset: 0x00002E63
 private void ActivateFinaleMode()
 this.finaleMode = true;
 this.entrance_0.Raise(); //Raise all the enterances(make them appear)
// Token: 0x0600008B RID: 139 RVA: 0x00004A98 File Offset: 0x00002E98
 public void GetAngry(float value) //Make Baldi get angry
 if (!this.spoopMode)
// Token: 0x0600008C RID: 140 RVA: 0x00004AB7 File Offset: 0x00002EB7
 public void ActivateLearningGame()
 this.learningActive = true;
 this.UnlockMouse(); //Unlock the mouse
 this.tutorBaldi.Stop(); //Make tutor Baldi stop talking
 if (!this.spoopMode) //If the player hasn't gotten a question wrong
 this.schoolMusic.Stop(); //Start playing the learn music
// Token: 0x0600008D RID: 141 RVA: 0x00004AF4 File Offset: 0x00002EF4
 public void DeactivateLearningGame(GameObject subject)
 this.learningActive = false;
 this.LockMouse(); //Prevent the mouse from moving
 if (this.player.stamina < player.maxStamina) //Reset Stamina
 this.player.stamina = this.player.maxStamina * 1f;
 if (!this.spoopMode) //If it isn't spoop mode, play the school music
 if (this.notebooks == 1 & !this.spoopMode) // If this is the players first notebook and they didn't get any questions wrong, reward them with a quarter
 else if (this.notebooks == 9 & this.mode == "Floor 1") // Plays the all 9 notebook sound
 this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_AllNotebooks, 0.8f);
// Token: 0x0600008E RID: 142 RVA: 0x00004BCC File Offset: 0x00002FCC
 private void IncreaseItemSelection()
 if (this.itemSelected > 4)
 this.itemSelected = 0;
 this.itemSelect.anchoredPosition = new Vector3((float)this.itemSelectOffset[this.itemSelected], -10f, -10f); //Moves the item selector background(the red rectangle)
// Token: 0x0600008F RID: 143 RVA: 0x00004C30 File Offset: 0x00003030
 private void DecreaseItemSelection()
 if (this.itemSelected < 0)
 this.itemSelected = 4;
 this.itemSelect.anchoredPosition = new Vector3((float)this.itemSelectOffset[this.itemSelected], -10f, -10f); //Moves the item selector background(the red rectangle)
// Token: 0x06000090 RID: 144 RVA: 0x00004C91 File Offset: 0x00003091
 private void UpdateItemSelection()
 this.itemSelect.anchoredPosition = new Vector3((float)this.itemSelectOffset[this.itemSelected], -10f, 10f); //Moves the item selector background(the red rectangle)
// Token: 0x06000091 RID: 145 RVA: 0x00004CC8 File Offset: 0x000030C8
 public void CollectItem(int item_ID)
 if (this.item[0] == 0)
 this.item[0] = item_ID; //Set the item slot to the Item_ID provided
 this.itemSlot[0].texture = this.itemTextures[item_ID]; //Set the item slot's texture to a texture in a list of textures based on the Item_ID
 else if (this.item[1] == 0)
 this.item[1] = item_ID; //Set the item slot to the Item_ID provided
 this.itemSlot[1].texture = this.itemTextures[item_ID]; //Set the item slot's texture to a texture in a list of textures based on the Item_ID
 else if (this.item[2] == 0)
 this.item[2] = item_ID; //Set the item slot to the Item_ID provided
 this.itemSlot[2].texture = this.itemTextures[item_ID]; //Set the item slot's texture to a texture in a list of textures based on the Item_ID
 else if (this.item[3] == 0)
 this.item[3] = item_ID; //Set the item slot to the Item_ID provided
 this.itemSlot[3].texture = this.itemTextures[item_ID]; //Set the item slot's texture to a texture in a list of textures based on the Item_ID
 else if (this.item[4] == 0)
 this.item[4] = item_ID; //Set the item slot to the Item_ID provided
 this.itemSlot[4].texture = this.itemTextures[item_ID]; //Set the item slot's texture to a texture in a list of textures based on the Item_ID
 else //This one overwrites the currently selected slot when your inventory is full
 this.item[this.itemSelected] = item_ID;
 this.itemSlot[this.itemSelected].texture = this.itemTextures[item_ID];
// Token: 0x06000092 RID: 146 RVA: 0x00004D94 File Offset: 0x00003194
 private void UseItem()
 if (this.item[this.itemSelected] != 0) //If the item slot isn't empty
 if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 1)  //Zesty Bar Code
 this.player.stamina = this.player.maxStamina * 2f;
 this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item
 this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_Crunch); // Plays the Crunch Sound
 this.baldiScrpt.Hear(base.transform.position, 10f); // Makes Baldi go to the location where the Player was eating the ESFB
 if (!this.player.Outside)
 this.player.ResetGuilt("eat", 1f); // Makes the player guilty for eating
 else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 2) //Yellow Door Lock Code
 Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
 RaycastHit raycastHit;
 if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out raycastHit) && (raycastHit.collider.tag == "SwingingDoor" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) <= 10f))
 raycastHit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<SwingingDoorScript>().LockDoor(15f); //Lock the door for 15 seconds
 this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item
 else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 3) //Principal's Keys Code
 Ray ray2 = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
 RaycastHit raycastHit2;
 if (Physics.Raycast(ray2, out raycastHit2) && (raycastHit2.collider.tag == "Door" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit2.transform.position) <= 10f))
 raycastHit2.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<DoorScript>().UnlockDoor(); //Unlock the door
 raycastHit2.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<DoorScript>().OpenDoor(); //Open the door
 this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item
 else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 4) //Bsoda Code
 UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(this.bsodaSpray, this.playerTransform.position, this.cameraTransform.rotation); //Clone the BSODA Spray object
 this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item
 this.player.ResetGuilt("drink", 1f); // Makes the player guilty for drinking
 this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_Soda); // Play the spray sound
 this.baldiScrpt.Hear(base.transform.position, 10f); // Makes Baldi go to the location where the Player was drinking the BSODA
 if (!this.player.Outside)
 this.player.ResetGuilt("drink", 1f); // Makes the player guilty for drinking
 else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 5) //Quarter Code
 Ray ray3 = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
 RaycastHit raycastHit3;
 if (Physics.Raycast(ray3, out raycastHit3))
 if (raycastHit3.collider.name == "BSODAMachine" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit3.transform.position) <= 10f)
 this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item 
 this.CollectItem(4); //Give BSODA
 else if (raycastHit3.collider.name == "ZestyMachine" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit3.transform.position) <= 10f)
 this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item
 this.CollectItem(1); //Give Zesty Bar
 else if (raycastHit3.collider.name == "PayPhone" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit3.transform.position) <= 10f)
 raycastHit3.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<TapePlayerScript>().Play(); //Tell the phone to start making the noise
 this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item
 else if (raycastHit3.collider.name == "RandomMachine" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit3.transform.position) <= 10f)
 int num3 = Mathf.RoundToInt(UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 10));
 this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item
 this.CollectItem(num3); //Give a random item
 else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 6) // Baldi Anti-hearing Code
 Ray ray4 = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
 RaycastHit raycastHit4;
 if (Physics.Raycast(ray4, out raycastHit4) && (raycastHit4.collider.name == "TapePlayer" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit4.transform.position) <= 10f))
 raycastHit4.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<TapePlayerScript>().Play(); //Tell the tape player to start making the noise
 else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 7) // Alarm Clock Code
 GameObject gameObject = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(this.alarmClock, this.playerTransform.position, this.cameraTransform.rotation); //Create a clone of the Alarm Clock
 gameObject.GetComponent<AlarmClockScript>().baldi = this.baldiScrpt; //Set the Alarm Clock's Baldi to the BaldiScript
 this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item
 else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 8) // WD No Squee Code
 Ray ray5 = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
 RaycastHit raycastHit5;
 if (Physics.Raycast(ray5, out raycastHit5) && (raycastHit5.collider.tag == "Door" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit5.transform.position) <= 10f))
 raycastHit5.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<DoorScript>().SilenceDoor(); // Silences the door
 this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item
 this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_Spray); //Plays the spray sound
 else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 9) // Safety Scissors Code
 Ray ray6 = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
 RaycastHit raycastHit6;
 if (this.player.jumpRope)
 this.player.ResetGuiltBrokenRulesOutside("bully", 1f);
 else if (Physics.Raycast(ray6, out raycastHit6) && raycastHit6.collider.name == "1st Prize")
 else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 10) // Portable Alarm Clock Code
 GameObject gameObject = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(this.portTape, this.playerTransform.position, this.cameraTransform.rotation); //Create a clone of the Portable Tape
 gameObject.GetComponent<TapeDropScript>().baldi = this.baldiScrpt; //Set the Portable Tape's Baldi to the BaldiScript
 this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item
 else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 11) // Stab Pencil Code
 RaycastHit raycastHit;
 if (Physics.Raycast(Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(new Vector3((float)(Screen.width / 2), (float)(Screen.height / 2), 0f)), out raycastHit) && raycastHit.collider.tag == "NPC" && raycastHit.collider.name != "Baldi" && Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) <= 10f)
 this.player.ResetGuiltBrokenRulesOutside("stabbing", 1f);
 else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 12) // Dollar Code
 Ray ray3 = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
 RaycastHit raycastHit3;
 if (Physics.Raycast(ray3, out raycastHit3))
 if (raycastHit3.collider.name == "BSODAMachine" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit3.transform.position) <= 10f) //If the dollar is inserted in the bsoda machine
 this.ResetItem(); //Remove the dollar from that slot
 this.item[0] = 4; //Put a bsoda in item slot 1
 this.item[1] = 4; //Put a bsoda in item slot 2
 this.item[2] = 4; //Put a bsoda in item slot 3
 this.item[3] = 4; //Put a bsoda in item slot 4
 this.itemSlot[0].texture = this.itemTextures[4]; //Put the bsoda texture in slot 1
 this.itemSlot[1].texture = this.itemTextures[4]; //Put the bsoda texture in slot 2
 this.itemSlot[2].texture = this.itemTextures[4]; //Put the bsoda texture in slot 3
 this.itemSlot[3].texture = this.itemTextures[4]; //Put the bsoda texture in slot 4
 this.UpdateItemName(); //Update the item names for the slots
 } //Basically, if you put a dollar in the bsoda machine, it gives you 4 bsodas in your first 4 slots
else if (raycastHit3.collider.name == "DollarMachine" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit3.transform.position) <= 10f) //If the dollar is inserted in the dollar machine
 this.ResetItem(); //Remove the dollar from that slot
 this.item[0] = 5; //Put a quarter in item slot 1
 this.item[1] = 5; //Put a quarter in item slot 2
 this.item[2] = 5; //Put a quarter in item slot 3
 this.item[3] = 5; //Put a quarter in item slot 4
 this.itemSlot[0].texture = this.itemTextures[5]; //Put the quarter texture in slot 1
 this.itemSlot[1].texture = this.itemTextures[5]; //Put the quarter texture in slot 2
 this.itemSlot[2].texture = this.itemTextures[5]; //Put the quarter texture in slot 3
 this.itemSlot[3].texture = this.itemTextures[5]; //Put the quarter texture in slot 4
 this.UpdateItemName(); //Update the item names for the slots
 } //Basically, if you put a dollar in the dollar machine, it gives you 4 quarters in your first 4 slots
else if (raycastHit3.collider.name == "RareMachine" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit3.transform.position) <= 10f) //If player uses quarter on the rare machine
 this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item
 this.CollectItem(15); //Give the player a Teleporter Item
 this.raremachine.SetActive(false); //Despawn the rare machine
else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 13) // Principal Banner Code
else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 14) // Chewsi Speedy Bar Code
 this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_Crunch); // Plays the Crunch Sound
 this.baldiScrpt.Hear(base.transform.position, 10f); // Makes Baldi go to the location where the Player was eating the CSB
 if (!this.player.Outside)
 this.player.ResetGuilt("eat", 1f); // Makes the player guilty for eating
else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 15) // Teleporter Code
else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 16) // Water Bottle Code
 this.player.stamina += 75f;
 this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item
 this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_DrinkWater); // Plays the Drink Water Sound
 this.baldiScrpt.Hear(base.transform.position, 10f); // Makes Baldi go to the location where the Player was drinking water
 if (!this.player.Outside)
 this.player.ResetGuilt("drink", 1f); // Makes the player guilty for drinking
 else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 17) // Ice Cream Code
 this.player.stamina += 150f;
 this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item
 this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_EatIceCream); // Makes the Eat Ice Cream sound
 this.baldiScrpt.Hear(base.transform.position, 10f); // Makes Baldi go to the location where the Player was eating the Ice Cream
 if (!this.player.Outside)
 this.player.ResetGuilt("eat", 1f);
 else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 18) // Pancake Code
 this.player.maxStamina += 12.5f;
 this.player.stamina += 25f;
 this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item
 this.baldiScrpt.Hear(base.transform.position, 10f); // Makes Baldi go to the location where the Player was eating the Pancake
 if (!this.player.Outside)
 this.player.ResetGuilt("eat", 1f);
 else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 19) //A Piece of Gum Code
 UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(this.PlayerGum, this.playerTransform.position, this.cameraTransform.rotation); //Clone the Player's Gum object
 this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item
 this.player.ResetGuiltBrokenRulesOutside("spitgum", 1f); // Makes the player guilty for spitting gum
 this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_SpitGum); // Play the spray sound
 this.baldiScrpt.Hear(base.transform.position, 10f); // Makes Baldi go to the location where the Player was Spitting a gum
 this.PlayerGum.name = "Player's Gum";
 else if (this.item[this.itemSelected] == 20) // Principal's Dollar Code
 Ray ray3 = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
 RaycastHit raycastHit3;
 if (Physics.Raycast(ray3, out raycastHit3))
 if (raycastHit3.collider.name == "BSODAMachine" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit3.transform.position) <= 10f) //If the dollar is inserted in the bsoda machine
 this.ResetItem(); //Remove the dollar from that slot
 this.item[0] = 4; //Put a bsoda in item slot 1
 this.item[1] = 4; //Put a bsoda in item slot 2
 this.item[2] = 4; //Put a bsoda in item slot 3
 this.item[3] = 4; //Put a bsoda in item slot 4
 this.itemSlot[0].texture = this.itemTextures[4]; //Put the bsoda texture in slot 1
 this.itemSlot[1].texture = this.itemTextures[4]; //Put the bsoda texture in slot 2
 this.itemSlot[2].texture = this.itemTextures[4]; //Put the bsoda texture in slot 3
 this.itemSlot[3].texture = this.itemTextures[4]; //Put the bsoda texture in slot 4
 this.UpdateItemName(); //Update the item names for the slots
 this.player.ResetGuiltBrokenRulesOutside("usepridollar", 1f);
else if (raycastHit3.collider.name == "DollarMachine" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit3.transform.position) <= 10f) //If the dollar is inserted in the dollar machine
 this.ResetItem(); //Remove the dollar from that slot
 this.item[0] = 5; //Put a quarter in item slot 1
 this.item[1] = 5; //Put a quarter in item slot 2
 this.item[2] = 5; //Put a quarter in item slot 3
 this.item[3] = 5; //Put a quarter in item slot 4
 this.itemSlot[0].texture = this.itemTextures[5]; //Put the quarter texture in slot 1
 this.itemSlot[1].texture = this.itemTextures[5]; //Put the quarter texture in slot 2
 this.itemSlot[2].texture = this.itemTextures[5]; //Put the quarter texture in slot 3
 this.itemSlot[3].texture = this.itemTextures[5]; //Put the quarter texture in slot 4
 this.UpdateItemName(); //Update the item names for the slots
 this.player.ResetGuiltBrokenRulesOutside("usepridollar", 1f);
else if (raycastHit3.collider.name == "RareMachine" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit3.transform.position) <= 10f) //If player uses quarter on the rare machine
 this.ResetItem(); //Remove the item
 this.CollectItem(15); //Give the player a Teleporter Item
 this.raremachine.SetActive(false); //Despawn the rare machine
 this.player.ResetGuiltBrokenRulesOutside("usepridollar", 1f);
// Token: 0x06000991 RID: 2449 RVA: 0x000236A0 File Offset: 0x00021AA0
 private IEnumerator Teleporter()
 this.playerCollider.enabled = false;
 this.player.walkSpeed = 0f;
 this.player.runSpeed = 0f;
 Debug.Log("Start Teleporter");
 int teleports = UnityEngine.Random.Range(7, 14);
 int teleportCount = 0;
 float baseTime = 0.3f;
 float currentTime = baseTime;
 float increaseFactor = 1.1f;
 while (teleportCount < teleports)
 currentTime -= Time.deltaTime;
 if (currentTime < 0f)
 baseTime *= increaseFactor;
 currentTime = baseTime;
 this.player.height = 4f;
 yield return null;
 this.player.walkSpeed = 10f;
 this.player.runSpeed = 20f;
 Debug.Log("End Teleporter");
 this.playerCollider.enabled = true;
 yield break;
// Token: 0x06000992 RID: 2450 RVA: 0x000236BC File Offset: 0x00021ABC
 private void Teleport()
 this.player.transform.position = this.AILocationSelector.transform.position + Vector3.up * this.player.height;
 this.baldiScrpt.Hear(base.transform.position, 10f); // Baldi Hears the Teleporting Sound
IEnumerator ChewsiBar()
 float timer = 15f;
 this.player.walkSpeed = 40f;
 this.player.runSpeed = 80f;
 Debug.Log("Make Player 4x Faster");
 while (timer > 0)
 timer -= Time.deltaTime;
 yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
 Debug.Log("Return Player To Normal Speed");
 this.player.walkSpeed = 10f;
 this.player.runSpeed = 20f;
IEnumerator PrincipalBanner()
 float timer = 45f;
 Debug.Log("Principal has been banned!");
 while (timer > 0)
 timer -= Time.deltaTime;
 yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
 Debug.Log("Principal has been unbanned! Welcome back!");
// Token: 0x06000093 RID: 147 RVA: 0x000052F4 File Offset: 0x000036F4
 private void ResetItem()
 this.item[this.itemSelected] = 0; //Resets the current item slot
 this.itemSlot[this.itemSelected].texture = this.itemTextures[0]; //Resets the current item slot texture
 this.UpdateItemName(); // Update The Item Name
IEnumerator PencilStun(GameObject character)
 float timer = 10f;
 UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent navMeshAgent = character.GetComponent<UnityEngine.AI.NavMeshAgent>();
 while (timer > 0)
 navMeshAgent.velocity = Vector3.zero;
 timer -= Time.deltaTime;
 yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
// Token: 0x06000094 RID: 148 RVA: 0x00005324 File Offset: 0x00003724
 public void LoseItem(int id)
 this.item[id] = 0; //Resets the item slot
 this.itemSlot[id].texture = this.itemTextures[0]; //Resets the item slot texture
// Token: 0x06000095 RID: 149 RVA: 0x0000534A File Offset: 0x0000374A
 private void UpdateItemName()
 this.itemText.text = this.itemNames[this.item[this.itemSelected]];
// Token: 0x06000096 RID: 150 RVA: 0x0000536C File Offset: 0x0000376C
 public void ExitReached()
 if (this.exitsReached == 1)
 RenderSettings.ambientLight = Color.red; //Make everything red and start player the weird sound
 RenderSettings.fog = true;
 this.audioDevice.PlayOneShot(this.aud_Switch, 0.8f);
 this.audioDevice.clip = this.aud_MachineQuiet;
 this.audioDevice.loop = true;
 if (this.exitsReached == 2) //Play a sound
 this.audioDevice.volume = 0.8f;
 this.audioDevice.clip = this.aud_MachineStart;
 this.audioDevice.loop = true;
 if (this.exitsReached == 3) //Play a even louder sound
 this.audioDevice.clip = this.aud_MachineRev;
 this.audioDevice.loop = false;
 this.time += Time.deltaTime;
 if (this.exitsReached == 3)
 this.baldiScrpt.GetAngry(0.75f * Time.deltaTime);
// Token: 0x06000097 RID: 151 RVA: 0x00005459 File Offset: 0x00003859
 public void DespawnCrafters()
 this.crafters.SetActive(false); //Make Arts And Crafters Inactive
private void MouseAppearing()
 Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(new Vector2(Screen.width / 2, Screen.height / 2));
 RaycastHit raycastHit;
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out raycastHit) && (raycastHit.collider.tag == "Door" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) < 15f & !this.gamePaused))
 else if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out raycastHit) && (raycastHit.collider.tag == "Notebook" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) < 10f & !this.gamePaused))
 else if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out raycastHit) && (raycastHit.collider.tag == "Item" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) < 10f & !this.gamePaused))
 else if (raycastHit.collider.name == "PayPhone" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) < 10f & !this.gamePaused)
 else if (raycastHit.collider.name == "TapePlayer" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) < 10f & !this.gamePaused)
 else if (raycastHit.collider.name == "Clocker" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) < 15f & !this.gamePaused)
 else if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out raycastHit) && (raycastHit.collider.tag == "Fountain" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) < 15f & !this.gamePaused))
 else if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out raycastHit) && (raycastHit.collider.tag == "Hideable Locker" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) < 15f & !this.gamePaused))
 else if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out raycastHit) && (raycastHit.collider.tag == "Number Button Wall" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) < 15f & !this.gamePaused))
 else if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out raycastHit) && (raycastHit.collider.tag == "Vending Machine" & Vector3.Distance(this.playerTransform.position, raycastHit.transform.position) < 15f & !this.gamePaused))
public AILocationSelectorScript AILocationSelector;
 public Collider playerCollider; //The player's collider
 public AudioClip aud_Teleport; //The sound that plays when you teleport
 public AudioClip aud_Crunch; //The sound that plays when the player eats something
 public AudioClip aud_DrinkWater; //The sound that plays when the player drinks water
 public AudioClip aud_SpitGum; //The sound that plays when the Player Spits Gum
 public AudioClip aud_EatPancake; //The sound that plays when the Player eats a Pancake
public GameObject bannedicon;
 public AudioClip banned;
 public AudioClip hebackpri;
 public AudioClip aud_EatIceCream;
public GameObject raremachine; //The gameobject for the rare machine
 public GameObject zeroprize;
 public GameObject cloudycopter;
 public GameObject testdithered;
public AudioClip pencilstab;
public AudioClip cloudyPAH;
public RandomCharSpawner rcs;
// Token: 0x040000AB RID: 171
 public CursorControllerScript cursorController;
// Token: 0x040000AC RID: 172
 public PlayerScript player;
// Token: 0x040000AD RID: 173
 public Transform playerTransform;
// Token: 0x040000AE RID: 174
 public Transform cameraTransform;
// Token: 0x040000AF RID: 175
 public EntranceScript entrance_0;
// Token: 0x040000B0 RID: 176
 public EntranceScript entrance_1;
// Token: 0x040000B1 RID: 177
 public EntranceScript entrance_2;
// Token: 0x040000B2 RID: 178
 public EntranceScript entrance_3;
// Token: 0x040000B3 RID: 179
 public GameObject baldiTutor;
// Token: 0x040000B4 RID: 180
 public GameObject baldi;
// Token: 0x040000B5 RID: 181
 public BaldiScript baldiScrpt;
// Token: 0x040000B6 RID: 182
 public AudioClip aud_Prize;
// Token: 0x040000B7 RID: 183
 public AudioClip aud_AllNotebooks;
// Token: 0x040000B8 RID: 184
 public GameObject principal;
 public GameObject principalson;
// Token: 0x040000B9 RID: 185
 public GameObject crafters;
// Token: 0x040000BA RID: 186
 public GameObject playtime;
// Token: 0x040000BB RID: 187
 public PlaytimeScript playtimeScript;
// Token: 0x040000BC RID: 188
 public GameObject gottaSweep;
// Token: 0x040000BD RID: 189
 public GameObject bully;
// Token: 0x040000BE RID: 190
 public GameObject firstPrize;
// Token: 0x040000BF RID: 191
 public FirstPrizeScript firstPrizeScript;
// Token: 0x040000BE RID: 192
 public GameObject clocker;
// Token: 0x040000BE RID: 193
 public ClockerScript clockscript;
public GameObject beans;
 public BeansScript beansScript;
public GameObject kingofdoors;
 public KoDScript KingOfDoorsScript;
// Token: 0x040000C0 RID: 194
 public GameObject quarter;
public GameObject dollar1;
 public GameObject dollar2;
 public GameObject dollar3;
// Token: 0x040000C1 RID: 195
 public AudioSource tutorBaldi;
// Token: 0x040000C2 RID: 196
 public string mode;
// Token: 0x040000C3 RID: 197
 public int notebooks;
// Token: 0x040000C4 RID: 198
 public GameObject[] notebookPickups;
// Token: 0x040000C5 RID: 199
 public int failedNotebooks;
// Token: 0x040000C6 RID: 200
 public float time;
// Token: 0x040000C7 RID: 201
 public bool spoopMode;
// Token: 0x040000C8 RID: 202
 public bool finaleMode;
// Token: 0x040000C9 RID: 203
 public bool debugMode;
// Token: 0x040000CA RID: 204
 public bool mouseLocked;
// Token: 0x040000CB RID: 205
 public int exitsReached;
// Token: 0x040000CC RID: 206
 public int itemSelected;
// Token: 0x040000CD RID: 207
 public int[] item = new int[5];
// Token: 0x040000CE RID: 207
 public RawImage[] itemSlot = new RawImage[5];
// Token: 0x040000CF RID: 208
 private string[] itemNames = new string[]
 "Energy flavored Zesty Bar",
 "Yellow Door Lock",
 "Principal's Keys",
 "Baldi Anti Hearing and Disorienting Tape",
 "Alarm Clock",
 "WD-NoSquee (Door Type)",
 "Safety Scissors",
 "Portable Tape Player",
 "Jimmy's Lost Pencil",
 "Handy Dollar",
 "Principal Ban-er",
 "Chewsi Speedy Bar",
 "Rare Teleporter",
 "Water Bottle",
 "Ice Cream",
 "A Piece of Gum",
 "Principal's Dollar"
// Token: 0x040000D0 RID: 209
 public Text itemText;
// Token: 0x040000D1 RID: 210
 public UnityEngine.Object[] items = new UnityEngine.Object[10];
// Token: 0x040000D2 RID: 211
 public Texture[] itemTextures = new Texture[10];
// Token: 0x040000D3 RID: 212
 public GameObject bsodaSpray;
public GameObject PlayerGum;
// Token: 0x040000D4 RID: 213
 public GameObject alarmClock;
// Token: 0x040000D4 RID: 214
 public GameObject portTape;
// Token: 0x040000D5 RID: 215
 public Text notebookCount;
// Token: 0x040000D6 RID: 216
 public GameObject pauseText;
// Token: 0x040000D7 RID: 217
 public GameObject highScoreText;
// Token: 0x040000D8 RID: 218
 public GameObject baldiNod;
// Token: 0x040000D9 RID: 219
 public GameObject baldiShake;
// Token: 0x040000DA RID: 220
 public GameObject warning;
// Token: 0x040000DB RID: 221
 public GameObject reticle;
 public GameObject reticle2;
// Token: 0x040000DC RID: 222
 public RectTransform itemSelect;
// Token: 0x040000DD RID: 223
 private int[] itemSelectOffset;
// Token: 0x040000DE RID: 224
 private bool gamePaused;
// Token: 0x040000DF RID: 225
 private bool learningActive;
// Token: 0x040000E0 RID: 226
 private float gameOverDelay;
// Token: 0x040000E1 RID: 227
 private AudioSource audioDevice;
// Token: 0x040000E2 RID: 228
 public AudioClip aud_Soda;
// Token: 0x040000E3 RID: 229
 public AudioClip aud_Spray;
// Token: 0x040000E4 RID: 230
 public AudioClip aud_buzz;
// Token: 0x040000E5 RID: 231
 public AudioClip aud_Hang;
// Token: 0x040000E6 RID: 232
 public AudioClip aud_MachineQuiet;
// Token: 0x040000E7 RID: 233
 public AudioClip aud_MachineStart;
// Token: 0x040000E8 RID: 234
 public AudioClip aud_MachineRev;
// Token: 0x040000E9 RID: 235
 public AudioClip aud_MachineLoop;
// Token: 0x040000EA RID: 236
 public AudioClip aud_Switch;
// Token: 0x040000EB RID: 237
 public AudioSource schoolMusic;
// Token: 0x040000EC RID: 238
 public AudioSource learnMusic;


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its to much to read gosh xd